How Digital Marketing Expands Your Dental Practice with Chris Pistorius


hello everyone I am your host that’s right Jessica cotch we are back this is profound professionals I know you missed

me we took a week and a half off what is that about craziness the ocean called me I must answer always must always go to

the ocean when it calls you so I am Jessica cotch this is profound professionals you are the amazing people

who’ve been watching and following and sharing us for almost eight years now we’re the show that features industry

experts from all over the world that are doing things outside of the box they help people with their personal life and

they help people grow their business we have one of each today for you how do you like me now right it’s a good thing

it’s a super good thing we have Chris he is your local marketing expert you know

what that local guy around the corner who’s got that boots on the street experience that guy who is helping you

no matter where you are on the planet but with that local expertise flare and

Pizzazz we’ve got Chris we are just super excited to hear from him and we

have Alberta and she is the divorce recovery and Trauma coach and you know

all of our Journeys as we go we sometimes run into that thing or two

that we just need that little bit of extra help to get through and so we have Alberta here for you with that so

welcome both of you thank you thank you all right right we are going to go

totally against the the waves of um ladies first and we’re going to start

with with Chris Chris is the man of the hour he is our marketing expert tell us

a little bit about how um you know a lot of boys uh why shouldn’t stereotype some

grp they want to be a chef they want to be a race car driver a a Jet Pilot the

firefighter you know and Chris said no way man five years old he was like

marketing is for me I’m I’m going to do the marketing thing how did you make that leap and uh begin that Journey yeah

yeah not so much but was you know it’s it’s one of those things that actually in college I was a

journalism major and part of that you had to work for the school newspaper for

a period of time and my job wasn’t so much writing it was I was on the uh ad

selling department so I was involved in the advertising side of it and you know

that caught my interest I’m like hey this you know this writing stuff’s for the birds it takes too much time you don’t get paid very well so um let’s

look at this advertising side of it and so that’s how I really got involved in it um but after college I went into

Telecom of all things well that if that doesn’t teach you some sales um uh uh techniques then

nothing and the planet well I did um my own excursion with some Telecom sales

and I also did radio advertising sales um I’m like you as well Chris so so you

went into Telecom then what happened yeah I went to Telecom I was in Telecom for years and then uh you know that’s

when the kind of the back then Telecom bust happened and I was like you know it’s time to switch Industries and I uh

I wanted to get back into that advertising thing and I got a company called this is really gonna date me but

a company called AOL uh back in the day got mail right

they gave me they gave me a job in in advertising sales and that was I don’t

know 20 years ago probably and uh that evolved into me starting my own agency

about 15 years ago um and uh that’s that’s the history of it that’s how I

got started wow wow and so what is what’s probably the thing that lights

you up inside the most about what you do for clients that’s an easy one it’s it’s

taking struggling local businesses I’m more specific specifically now in the dental Niche but you know every

everything that I talk about really applies to any type of local business but U it’s it’s Lo it’s finding a

struggling business and when they come to us they struggle and by the time they leave us they’re doing great and buying

more locations and just being successful that’s that’s what really gets me up in the morning you know and I think that

that’s a perfect segue for us to chat with Al Alberto Sam here because I I

hear what you’re doing for customers and their business growth and I hear that same um wavelength of what Alberta can

do for someone who’s you know facing and recovering through the divorce so that they can come out on the other side

successful you know they came in struggling having a hard time and then they get to have the

transformation um following a trauma or following a divorce so why don’t you share with us briefly uh a little of

your story too Alberta and tell us uh how you uh stepped into this expertise

because again not you know I know um I’m not stereotyping girls and boys because I wanted to be a Jet Pilot too my

daughter wanted to be an astronaut and a ballerina and all the things right so uh

and I looked at race car driving although it was a little fast for me I felt like Jet Pilot was a little better

more my speed even though I’m pretty sure a Jet’s faster than a car just it’s all INR all all in perception

right you don’t feel like you’re going as fast as a jet Maybe as you do in a race car but anyway I’m pretty sure that

um uh when your kindergarten teacher asked Alberta what she wanted to be when she grew grew up or he asked you what

you wanted to be when you grew up um divorce recovery and a trauma coach wasn’t on the

list it wasn’t even on the radar so my path is

um very unique path to this to this great work that I’m doing that I enjoy

so much um I actually had a life crisis in 2016 I suffered a brain hemorrhage oh

my blood vessels snapped uh I was Premed at the time and it it flooded my brain

for two days and before it was discovered um and and that was my wakeup

call because at that time my life was so it was so stressful it was so

toxic that was the last straw and so after I healed up from that seven months

after uh the brain hemorrhage I pursued a master’s degree um and fou for

divorce uh in order to create a better life for my sons and actually it was

working in the Health Care system after graduation that I really was confirmed

in this new path of mine I found myself working at a Plastic Surgery Clinic and

I was naturally coaching trauma survivors people who had felon acid or people who had their limbs were moved or

were in tragic accidents um and I had been coaching actually all my life but never thought about that professionally

but that experience and then the overwhelming feedback that I got from patients and how I helped them uh change

their life after afterwards I got certified and I just went full in but I

specialized in trauma survivors who have S suffered a bad divorce that’s the

program it’s three months or less I help you bounce back more powerfully more confident U more whole more purposeful

and more attractive in three months or less now let me ask you um obviously we

know the kind of you know the client what what pain they’re feeling and what kind of client is drawn to you for your

services because you’ve got a really clear definitive um line here but who is

who how are they finding you are you building relationships with other uh maybe a diversity attorneys or mediators

or you know yeah what’s the path that they typically come into are they seeing

a work uh Workshop you have from a Facebook ad or like what what’s happening talk to us about how they’re

finding you how are your clients find yes so I am not limited in the ways that

I try to contact the public uh so be it an in-person meeting an online Workshop

um I do have alliances with attorneys um I’m just trying to get the word out there and so and so thank you for this

interview because it’s another pathway as well to try to reach people that need help to rec uh to regain control of

their life yes so um do you uh offer

one-on-one coaching is it iners virtual is it workshops is it in a group session

and group therapy is it an online course what are the some of the ways that you’re actually serving your customer so

those that want so I do online workshops right now um and those that um want more

customized help uh and certainly you need that because everyone’s situation is different um then we do one-on-one

coaching they can can book a call with me and we’ll talk about a plan that works for them that’s lovely I love that

so um Chris I I I know you spoke a little

bit about your your Niche so that those local businesses really helping them

also expand and you you have this um high level expertise in the dental Niche

but not limited to that so talk to us uh similarly as we were just sharing with

Alberta how are uh people finding you do you give marketing workshops or is or is

just a referral for a corporate business is it really more of a midsize corporate business um where they have staff in

several locations physical or you know share with us a bit about how people are finding you and and how you’re serving

them yeah um we get a lot of our clients from word of mouth so other Dental

practices that have uh you know done well with us they uh they refer to their

friends who they went to dental school with or you know whatever so we get a lot of that uh we also do some

advertising on Facebook that seems to help a lot of organic like doing you

know what call Authority building like doing podcasts like this talking about uh U relevant experience things like

that helps you know I found in marketing that usually it’s not just one thing that’s uh that’s going to do it for you

you really kind of have to dabble in a lot of different things and um I think that joint ventures what I call you know

like working with um Dental consultants for instance that work with d yes other

professionals that work in dentistry you know team up with them and um you can get some good referrals that way too if

there were if you were to list obviously Dental but if there were two is there two other industries that you would say

these are the top three Industries we’ve really knocked the socks off of and really done so well with and we love

working with them are there two others are you really kind of streamlining into Dental solely yeah all of our clients

right now are in Dental but when I first started my agency we pretty much took on anybody that would pay us so we had

attorneys mechanics you know all kinds of different things but we found that you know when you take on different

Industries like that yes you know it takes some time to learn that industry and they’re kind of paying you to learn

the industry and I don’t know that that’s fair so we decided that we needed to really Niche down and be an expert in

one industry and we kind of we really haven’t looked back since so that’s that’s been our yeah that’s been our

bread and butter for 15 years now basically Now Dental Dental um

organizations anywhere in the country anywhere in the world anywhere in Canada

London Australia anything Dental or just United States what’s your feel uh we can

do anywhere in the world uh most of our most of our clients now are um in the

United States but we’ve got experience with Canada Mexico Australia yeah very good very good now

um are you dabbling in their National associations and going to their annual conferences and speaking um at some of

those events you know it’s interesting that you bring that up I did that um I

went to several conventions some of the bigger ones set up a booth it was really expensive to do we didn’t get a lot out

of it we found that you know in our niche in dentistry that a lot of those doctors show up just to do the

continuing education credits yes and a lot of those folks are kind of like introverts they don’t necessarily like

to go out and have great conversation right and so you kind of see them like skipping around all the vendors back to

the where they go to the classes but yeah it’s interesting that you bring that up because uh in our team meeting

we’re talking about some new ideas and that’s popped up again so we may be giving that a try in the second half of

this year of just kind of getting the uh convention Booth out and um trying to

meet meet clients that way as well so I’ve been in the National Conference world and speaker for more than 25 years

and what I would suggest is never get a vendor table unless you have staff that can man it and sit there with it because

really where you should be is offering to you know getting getting your hold in building your relationships to be the

keynote or a top speaker building out a course that could be credited from a

marketing standpoint for continuing education credits build something that those dentists can use for their continu

education credits to get their attention um because even if you just leave with three clients of a conference of a

thousand dentists you’re in good shape you know success yes yeah it’s a success and then

you’ve got three more clients who are going to just send you referrals right um from other ways the other idea I have

for you is um one of the things I’m doing because we have a virtual assistant membership program so we have

about a 100 vas globally that help our clients with the back office stuff that you know they shouldn’t be doing and one

of the things I have my team doing personally for me is I have about five marketing experts and we send them to a

lot of the virtual little networking events and they go and they have ones per specific call to action your one

specific call to action for your marketing team going out to those virtual networking is we really love an

introduction to your dentist that’s it we’ really love everybody’s got a dentist if they want to keep their teeth

and we’d really love an introduction to your dentist and if you could get three introductions to a dentist every time someone went to a virtual networking

that would be dollars well spent yeah that’s a great idea so yeah so I say the

same to you Alberta I would say there are some national associations of women

business owners and conferences for women and events for women and I don’t know if you just work with women or you

work with women and men so that’s something we should talk about both you do work with both so you know attending

those different events where these individuals are um just about everyone

knows someone who’s going through a divorce right and that’s the other thing you say you you can go to Virtual

networking things or have your team on your marketing team on your behalf go attend these things and say hey if you

know a divorce attorney or someone going through a divorce I would love an introduction I can share with them this

free you know 10-step guide uh or whatever so that they don’t feel like uh oh gosh I’m gonna send my friend to them

they’re going through divorce and then she’s going to want to take their money you know you want to be able to give them something nurturing a safe space a

a community to process this and permission to introduce you to them but then you give them two options in your

case because one is sort of a sensitive personal introduction but the other is oh I probably know a divorce attorney or

I know you know maybe also being introduced to Realtors because how many Realtors are selling a house because a

couple’s going through a divorce you know right oh my goodness and everybody

knows a realtor at least five so if you start to go to these things with a clear call to action to say these are the

three people I’d like to meet can you email introduce me to any of them that would help me then it’s a very

non-threatening resource that you’re going to walk away with success right

that’s what I that’s what I think okay now um Alberta before um I

wanted to get tips from both of you but before you give us a tip is there anything else um I know we’re going to

talk about your book later not that but is there anything else about your business or yourself that you haven’t felt like you shared with our amazing

audience who I know is hitting the share button because they just have big hearts the word out there for us so thank you

for that uh put in the comments and of your ideas of how we can’t hey maybe you

know a dentist you could uh put in the comments to Chris hey I know a dentist I could introduce you one hey I know a uh

I bet you know a realtor you’re fibon you’re fit you and you might know a divorce

attorney so make some introductions for our beautiful guests um because that would be make you the superhero and I

just love it when our audience is the hero but share with us anything else about yourself or your business that you

don’t feel like we covered and then give us a great tip and get ready hold on to your hat uh literally there Chris

because she’ll be up next go ahead Alberta well so I’m I guess I would just

share that I’m a trauma Survivor myself and my experience does not come from my coaching experience it comes from my own

traumatic divorce so I can certainly relate and connect um and the program

that we offer is is holistic mind body and spirit so wonderful we really try to

um fully address the whole person and then for an inspirational

tip I feel like I just want to encourage people to take it easy on yourself I

feel like we just push ourselves so hard and it’s okay to be patient with

yourself um and then we also treat others by the learn we we teach others

to treat us by the way we treat ourselves so it’s so important to treat

ourselves well rest when you’re tired eat when you’re hungry no

guilt you know I have accountability partner and she constantly teaches me uh

to be gentle with myself and uh you know on the same level we want to hold ourselves accountable and that’s why we

have accountability Partners but also to remind us to be gentle with ourselves I think that’s beautiful thank you for

that Alberta Chris Chris share with us anything else we didn’t really cover about your amazing business and give us

a tip that someone can use today that will improve their marketing and set their world on fire yeah I think that

it’s important to know about my company is that we are a we’re a small business just like the the businesses that we

represent so we uh we don’t plan on have any plans to be a big huge company

that’s just looking to scale kind of our motto is leave our clients better than when we met them right in terms of

business strategy just be just becoming more visible you know having a better sense of how to survive in this business

world so I think my tip would also be that you know make do whatever it takes

to make yourself visible to your to your clientele so we talk a lot to our clients about who is your ideal client

right so if you’re a dentist you want a 25 to 34 year old female with two and a half kids a Golden Retriever and owns

their own home great and do you also want you know 45 to 65 year old guy that has dental problems that’s great too but

if you don’t identify who those client avatars are you have no idea who you’re supposed to be marketing to and then

that turns into just throwing a whole bunch of stuff up against the wall and hoping something sticks and hoping my

friends is not a legitimate business strategy so I think start with under identifying who you want to come into

your door whether you’re a plumber a lawyer whatever a locksmith right who is your client and then come up with a

marketing plan to Target where those people are hanging out absolutely and you mentioned before

collaborations and I think one of the most important thing that I’ve learned as a business owner is where are those

people hanging out and who are the heads of those groups and organizations make

make genuine beneficial mutually beneficial collaborative relationships with those

people who already have built the group of your ideal Avatar and then you guys

both can go so much further and faster together yeah and Alberta I was going to tell you another idea for you there’s

tons of Facebook groups now that have you know women’s like support counseling

or women’s divorce you know if you can get find the admins of those groups and

get in with them and offer just free counseling free support just to get yourself in the door free tips and

tricks I think that could do a lot as well also these admins are really

struggling to monetize their effort that they buil this group now they want now

they’re so focused is to help these people because they love the people they love the group that’s why they they

created the original group and that’s why they grew and that’s why people were attracted to them but on some level too they put time money and effort into this

and if they can find a way that both nurtures their Community as well as can

bring in additional Revenue stream for them so that they can do even more for that group or for that cause and even

for themselves and their family because there is nothing wrong with that um and

uh then um then you have a true win scenario right where you don’t be you’re

not seen as the competition coming into their space trying to poach their people you’re seen as um a resource that

they’re able to um you know use with their with their people and you know if

they’re really smart like me my favorite thing ever is to refer business and um

introduce someone to someone amazing to do the work and paid for it and have to do nothing like that to me is brilliant

sauce right there I’m just gonna tell you I love the ability to say Chris you

should so handle this client thank you for the referral fee now you go do the work and I’ll just go spend the money

this is a great deal for me you know and so when they’re able to see that as an opportunity then yay

them and if you are able to customize some of your stuff to make it kind of

Quasi bre branded white labeled for their Community because remember it’s always all about them then that gives

them a warm and fuzzy too where you’ve customize things to meet um their

community in a way that is appealing to them now of course you have to make sure that’s something they want but that is

attractive to many uh group leaders where it can then be seen by their Community as part of who they are and

what they’re doing you’re just an extension resource that’s been added to benefit their community

um and sometimes that’s more comfortable so it doesn’t feel again like somebody’s coming in to uh to reroute the re route

the program now Chris could you share with us a cause that is close to your heart and that you care about because we

started this profound professional with the very first episode of amazing humans

who were also amazing because they were touching the community or the World At Large in a greater way and yes now is

the time if you haven’t already hit that share button because you might be inspired or Inspire someone else as we

hear about these new and great causes so share with us the cause that you care about yeah so mine is really a in

locally here in the Denver area we uh have what’s called The Dumb Friends League and it’s essentially a a no kill

shelter for animals and a large organization so think of it kind of like a Humane Society or something like that

but I’m a huge animal lover and you know um I’m big believer in helping helping

that whole Community out and man there’s a lot of need there and a lot of Need For U a lot of funding so I’m a big

supporter of that I love that and you know animals are so uh kind and loving

and they give unconditional love and they are really a part of the big um healing process for a lot who have re

received and and experienced trauma and I they I know they have um service pets

of all kinds uh filling all kinds of needs but including emotional um support

now is a legitimate thing that um our society has begun to embrace the the

importance of mental health and that loving consistent healthy love that’s

unconditional that an animal can provide and that support um is a beautiful part of many people’s healing process and

which uh you would believe is a brilliant segue on my part to Alberta’s

C and and things that are close to her heart now make sure you’re putting in

the comments the causes that you care about just just remember awareness is a big factor here someone could see in the

comments the cause that you share and they could be inspired to to give to

that cause to give time a treasure or talent to it or to a cause similar in

their Community you know Chris talked about um animals in his community someone might be inspired to go you know

what I’ve been meaning to go adopt a kitten or hey I’ve been a meaning to donate some money so they can have some more pet food or or shots for things

they need for the animals so you just you just could Inspire someone to do something good today so hit the share

button add some stuff in the comments and now let’s hear about Alberta’s favorite causes too so Alberta has a

number of causes that I have been involved with for years volunteering at my local hospital in the ICU unit

um um working in the school system uh teachers really need you uh and your

your help and your support in the school system and then my newest one is volunteering with Memphis youth

Athletics they um Provide support and um

Athletics for children here in the city of Memphis regardless of financial

background I love that that is so so beautiful Alberta as we move into the

next piece of one of my favorites because I am just banana saw us about books uh we are creating the ultimate

book list every guest that comes on shares with us the book that inspired their personal life helped them grow their business and or um also we’ll

touch on the books written by our two amazing guests today um so we’ll be sharing that as well now if you’re

watching if you’ve written a book put it in the comments if you have a favorite book put it in the comments Alberta tell

us a book not written by you that inspired your personal life or helped you grow your business one book that

really helped me especially in the past year uh is the Bible and it’s provided me with hope and

comfort um resilience and just commitment to Excellence I love that and you know

interesting enough um uh one of my favorite authors who wrote A Lead like

uh he wrote um one minute manager um also wrote a lead like Jesus and he

wasn’t religious at all really before he wrote One a minute manager he tells his story uh in an interview on YouTube that

I just was so excited about and it just became this phenomenon and he was touched by God through the whole

experience and um there’s you know so much more than just personal growth in this book that you share with us today

um there’s also a leadership um knowledge and even um business and

investing knowledge and there’s just so many words of wisdom in how we can conduct ourselves so great great book

and you you’re an author you’ve written some books share with us about those yes I actually happen to have the book

behind me I just saw it that’s very convenient that’s very convenient so I’m one of the co-authors

this is transforming your life volume six um I wrote my piece from my chemo

chair year a year ago it went number one in eight countries ah and so what I

wrote on is from Pain to power transforming your trauma

wow wow that’s so beautiful thank you for sharing that um we’ll make sure that

the links and uh to get to both of these amazing guests are in the comments they’re in the descriptions wherever

you’re watching this we uh promote on I think we’re close to 17 platforms I always say more than 15 just so I’m I’m

covering myself but uh Bunches of platforms wherever you’re watching this check description and if it all fails

you can check my website because a link to their custom article and directly to this video will always be living there

as well so Chris talk to us about a book that inspired your personal life for help your gr business not written by you

first it’s it’s hard to compete with the Bible but I’m try I know

right um probably one for me it’s called Uh eth Revisited it’s yes that’s a good

one because it really teaches you how to build a business versus just creating a job for yourself there’s so many even in

you know Dentistry is a little different because you kind of have to work there if you’re a dentist but actually you don’t but it it really teaches

businesses small businesses to set up their business so it doesn’t evolve around you so if you want to go on

vacation or go do something your business doesn’t shut down right so I think that a big one and then another

one I think was H called duct tape marketing that’s a great one with just really practical uh like you read it and

you’re like oh yeah why wouldn’t why not do that you know just tips and guides how to Market a small business so

probably those two I am totally gonna have to remember that one and added to my list emth I have written read uh many

many times and have multiple copies of throughout the bookshelves in my home our next house which uh will be Ocean

Front very soon will have a full library in it that we’re going to design with the architect and the kind that has the

ladder that Scrolls back and forth oh yes multiple levels with a spiral staircase like you see in the TV I’m

excited about that because I want all the books I know I love trees okay don’t don’t don’t text

in the comments you know I should go completely electronic but you know there’s enough books out there that were

already printed that I can fill my library with without killing additional treats and I promise to plant some I

promise I promise promise I’ll plant I love all kinds of forms of books audio books written

books I have a trouble with the reading it from a tablet or a Kindle and all the things I I feel like I’m in front of a

screen enough I want to get away from a screen so anyway but Chris is also an

author he has pi to share with us tell us about another book you uh you’ve written yeah so I wrote a few years ago

The Ultimate Guide to internet marketing for dental practices and uh it was my first stab at it and I’m actually in the

middle of writing an update to it now so yeah hey don’t forget everyone listening

AI is your friend okay it’s not cheating it’s a soup starter back in the day

women would share um bread starters and soup starters and all different things

so that they could come up with a unique and amazing wonderful bread dish or meal

for their family the same is with um with uh chat gbts of the world and the

AIS of the world because they can give you a great starting point and then you really can add your secret sauce add to

it expand on it faster and more powerfully than ever before so um don’t

don’t uh wag your finger at the AI if you haven’t jumped aboard the bandwagon just yet so uh that’s definitely a

support and help well I don’t know about you guys but I’ve had a blast uh this

has been Wicked fun to have both of you uh both of you here I’ve hope that you’re both enjoying it Chris and

Alberta yes yes definitely I think you’ve shared amazing things with our

audience and our audience is amazing because they’re sharing all the time um we’re just so lucky to have them

following and liking and sharing in the comments all their love and all of their ideas

now if you are watching and thinking wait I can help someone’s personal life I can grow their business I’m as smart

as these two amazing people on this show well I say for on reach out to us and

our team and we’ll let you know just how you get scheduled on our show about 70%

of or more of the guests we have had I never meet personally first they have been personally emailed introduced us by

other guests they have been sent us by amazing followers they have reached out and applied and then we got the joy and

me I personally got the joy of meeting uh these amazing souls and sharing their stories with you so reach out hey and be

a hero be someone’s hero because I I bet Chris and Alberta know another industry expert someone who can help someone’s

personal life or grow their business because if you don’t know another industry expert and you’re an industry expert your head isn’t a rock or or like

your ostrog it and that’s is not a good marketing strategy so if you do know someone be their hero and ours and send

them our way introduce them to our show so that we can feature them as well we don’t want it to be all about us we want

it to be about everyone so share the word now as always I will not let these

two G great guests get away even though I think we’re um baking uh Chris in the sun over there uh uh he looks a little

warm I’m warm for him um we’re not going to let him get away till both of these uh lovely guests share a piece of final

thought in information or inspiration as we close out uh for today so uh ladies

first this time Chris we’re gonna let uh we’ll let Alberta go first Alberta what do you have for us a final thought a

piece of information or inspiration that you would like the audience to hang on to and maybe comment on uh as they’re

listening so this is going to be sound kind of deep but it’s so critical and important um to tell yourself the

truth about what’s going on in your life your relationships um so you can keep

yourself out of trouble and so that you can make better decisions don’t make

decisions when your emotions are high but do tell yourself the

truth I love that Honesty with ourselves that that’s um that’s a real uh that’s a

real a real thing thank you for sharing that Alberta all right Chris she’s the tough

act to follow every time what do you have for us as a final thought I think for me it’s know your

numbers your numbers will tell you the whole story of your business you need to know things like what your profit

margins are what who your ideal clients are we talked about um how much it costs

you to get each new client there’s I would say probably 90% of the new clients that I talk to have no clue what

these numbers are they don’t know how to you know figure out what their true profit is they don’t know what it costs

them to get a new client and if you don’t know that stuff you just you don’t know how to run a you don’t know how to

adequately run your business so get with somebody a financial expert a business consultant whatever if you do need some

help but know your numbers yeah and you know you said something very brilliant earlier today

that um made me think of um the book who not how right so the eth really is about

not knowing all of these things as a business owner and not needing to know it’s just needing to know and find and

build the right kind of team um to help you succeed uh and figuring out those

numbers is a key piece of being able to you know afford and um figure out what

has to be done and take place in the business so that you can have a marketing team and expert like Chris so that you can have and go through uh the

trauma coaching and recovering so that you can be the best version of yourself within your business so that you can

have the bookkeeper and um the VA team behind the scenes or whatever tools you

need um to run the business business so it can run it truly can run without you

um what brilliant advice um from both of you so all right everyone this has been

awesome sauce share comment reach out to us come be on the show come and join us

uh as always uh I haven’t changed I’m I’m not changing well I’m changing every day hopefully a little better every day

but I am Jessica cotch and I am your host and this is profound professionals so until next time everyone be kind to

yourself and be kind to each other bye everybody bye