
Yelp Reviews For Dentists

Sometimes I hear from our clients that they don’t ever get new patients from Yelp, so why should they worry about getting reviews published there.

I get it, and trust me I am not a big fan of Yelp nor their business practices. We have done several tests buying paid ads with them as well, only to be mostly disappointed. TIP – their paid ad program actually does pretty well in major markets. The only reason their site is so powerful is because of their reviews and whether people realize it or not they are influenced by Yelp reviews. Here are some reasons why we make sure our clients have reviews on Yelp:

1. You see, even though people may not say they use Yelp or look at their reviews they are still being influenced by them. When someone does a Google search and mentions your practice by name, most of the time your Yelp profile will show up on the first page, along with your average review rating. See screenshot below:

dentist reviews on yelp

2. Yelp feeds reviews to other local sites like Yahoo, Apple Maps and Bing Places and these sites may get more exposure than you think.

3. While people may say they don’t use or pay attention to Yelp, the fact is that some do and in some markets they do big time.

4. It’s also possible that some crazy patient my actually leave a negative review about you on Yelp (it happens), it is a good idea to have some positive ones on there as well to offset any negative ones.

So, I hope that helps answer this question – the pros far outweigh the cons for this. Also, if you need any help in getting more reviews on not only Yelp, but anywhere please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Chris Pistorius
KickStart Dental Marketing
(800) 694-9184