
Speaker 1:

This whole webinar kind of last minute. I didn’t send out a big notification so I wasn’t sure how many people would be able to join. But I’m getting a lot of people coming in. I see a lot of our current clients and a lot of new people too. So thank you all for being here. Dr. Kaelin], how’s it going? I hope all’s well. Wow from all over the country, actually a couple from out of the country, so it’s cool. So I’m going to go ahead and get started here. It’s funny, I started this big long PowerPoint presentation on what I was going to do and what I was going to talk about, and I got up to, I don’t know, 40 slides I think and I’m like, what am I doing? I think we just need to kind of have a talk and I want to share with you mostly about what I’ve been learning about, dentistry and what other practices that we work with and practices that we don’t work with, what they’ve been doing and things that have been working for them.

Speaker 1:

And I just really want to go over some ideas for you, even for the practices that are closed or shut down or in the process of shutting down. And there’re some things that we need to talk about and some things that I think that we can implement to bring in new patients during this time of crisis and certainly a time to slow down. So that’s the kind of stuff that I want to go over here. And if you have questions, use the chat and I’ll answer the questions towards the end of the webinar if that’s cool for everybody, just makes it a little bit easier. We got tons of people coming in, so thanks so much for joining on this last minute notice. I really appreciate it.

Speaker 1:

So, first of all I think it’s pretty detrimental to watch the news right now at least consistently because you get a lot of negativity going on right now with the news. But I think one thing that we have to realize as a society is that the news outlets are really making money off the drama of this, right? I mean, no matter what you watch, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, whatever it may be, they’re making money from ratings and what increases ratings is drama and things like that. Now certainly this is a crisis and this is something we’ve never seen before and we need to take it seriously. But I would strongly suggest, don’t just watch the news hour after hour just waiting for update after update because it’s going to get you in a pretty bad mood and it’s going to be pretty doom and gloom. There’s some stuff that I posted on my personal Facebook today that’s good news about this.

Speaker 1:

Things that people that are recovering, countries that are recovering and we’re starting to see a little bit of good news come out with this too. So I would really hope that you seek that stuff out through the reputable news as well. But how are you doing? I mean, how are you guys coping right now? And if you would put into the chat, you know where you are right now, if you’re open, if you’re closed, if you’re thinking about closing. A lot of state governments are mandating closures or mandating emergency only type stuff and so put it in there, kind of where you are and just kind of what you’re thinking right now in terms of this crisis. And I’ll go back a little later and go through some of those and talk about them.

Speaker 1:

So, I would love to see your thoughts on that. So please do that at some point during the webinar. But you know, it’s, I think it’s important and I put out a video a few days ago, kind of really early on in this situation, if you will, a few days ago was really early on. That’s how quick things are changing. But I think it’s important to, number one, and this was important for me, because I’m in this with you guys. Our whole business is dental and orthodontic or whatever it may be. And we’re seeing the same type of slow down and a lot of uneasy clients. So I think it’s important for us to realize the situation. Okay, we can’t sugar coat it, it’s bad. And I think the economic downturn of this may wind up being worse than the actual virus itself, even though I know hundreds or thousands of people have died and that’s terrible.

Speaker 1:

But I just hope that the economic impact isn’t going to be as bad. So I think it’s reasonable to realize that we will probably be into a recession. A recession, I believe is two quarters of sustained non-growth or negative growth, if you will, the economy. And I think that’s probably where we’re headed. However, if you did watch my last webinar, if you will, or video, you will realize that I believe that dentists or small businesses are positioned to be able to pivot and recover way more quickly in this than what others will. And we’ll talk a little bit more about that in a second. So it’s not all doom and gloom, but I think it’s important to realize where we are so that we can move on and get to a better place, sooner than better, sooner than later.

Speaker 1:

First and foremost in this crisis, you have to think of your family and safety and making sure that your patients are safe. And I think that’s why a lot of a lot of people have decided to shut down their practice or, constrict your hours or whatever it may be. And I know there’s still practices that are open. So I think it’s really important to make sure that we think a family, safety, that kind of stuff first. But then secondly, what I do think we need to think about is the future and how this can be an opportunity for you. And as a dental practice, I don’t care if you’re an orthodontist, pediatric dentist, whatever you may be, this is a chance for opportunity. I mean a lot of millionaires are made during economic recessions.

Speaker 1:

And why do you think that is? Well, because they didn’t necessarily put their head in the sand and think doom and gloom. They forged forward with whatever resources they had, increased their brand, if you will. And came out of this way ahead. So, and I’m not saying that this is, dentistry is you’re not in this to be an instant millionaire or anything like that. What I’m saying is that there is an opportunity, I believe, for you to come out of this stronger than you are going in. And that doesn’t mean having to continue to spend thousands of dollars a month in marketing services or anything like that. And that’s what this webinar’s for. Is things that you can do on your own, I believe. I mean, ideas on how to continue even to see patients during this and the cow to come out of this a little bit further ahead.

Speaker 1:

I’m just looking at notes down here because like I said, I had this big PowerPoint presentation made and I decided to just kind of ditch it and do more of a casual setting like this. So, what do you do? I mean, what is it that you think that you should do right now in terms of your practice and what is the best thing to do? Do you think it’s best just to kind of hold off, kind of just not do anything and see where this goes? Or are you looking to the future? Are you 100% positive that we’re going to come out of this, whether it be next week or next year? Let me see a raise of hand. Yes, yes, yes. I’m getting tons of yes, we will come out of it. Not sure when. Yeah, totally agree.

Speaker 1:

So here’s my question to you guys then if you know you’re going to come out of it right, then why let off the accelerator in marketing your practice or do doing social media for your practice, things like that. Because you know, at the end of this, you’re going to have to figure out a way to see new patients. The way I see this coming out is when you do come out of this and you open back up, if you are closed, there’s going to be probably a pretty big surge in the beginning. But then obviously those will be a lot of existing patients. You’re still going to need to bring in new patients on top of those to really, really balance and get where you want to be. Because after the initial surge, it will slow back down.

Speaker 1:

The existing patient stuff will die down. You’re going to need those new patients to fill in. So I’ve asked a lot of dentist’s, all right why slow down now? And most of it, it’s fear and trust me, I get it. I’m a small business owner too and I’ve seen a hit certainly, and I totally get it. But today, what I want to do is try to convince you that if you are sure and you’re 100% sure that you’re going to come out of this, then I think it’s really important for you to not be over aggressive, but to know that you’re coming out of it and to come out with a plan and see to the future. And here’s the reason a lot of your competitors in your local markets are going to do what we kind of all are thinking of doing and just kind of let’s hold off on everything, put our head in the sand. And let’s get over this, right?

Speaker 1:

Well there are some market leaders out there that are doing this and maybe you’re not a market leader now, right? So if you continue doing things, whether it’s internally or using a company like mine, KickStart Dental, to do that for you, you can leapfrog some of these big competitors in your local market. So when you come out of this, your positioned in a much better place than you were before you went in. And I hope that makes sense, but, and that’s not coming from a guy that’s looking to get money from new clients. Right now we’re not even really talking to many new clients right now. What we’re trying to do is really take the clients that we have and help them get through this and position them in a way that they’re going to be better off getting out.

Speaker 1:

So don’t think, I mean obviously I’m biased here in marketing cause that’s what I do. But I just need you to know I’ve been through these economic downturns before. I’ve seen what’s happens and they, it always gets better. Right? And if it’s going to get better, then let’s get better while we’re getting better, if that makes sense. All right. So, you need to be a leader right now in your market, not just for marketing, but you need to be a leader in your practice. You need to be communicating with your employees, constantly talking to them it’s going to be okay, here’s the bright side, here’s what things are looking like and that’s going to help you with not just your new patient retainment and you need to be talking to your patients as well.

Speaker 1:

But it’s also going to help with employee retainment because your employees are freaking out a little bit now too, right? I mean, incomes at risk. Did you already laid off people? Keeping constant communication with your patient base, let them know what’s going on. Make sure that they know that you you’re doing everything you can to be safe. If you are still open, the precautions you’re taking, things like that’ll help you forge that relationship with your current patients as well as your employees.

Speaker 1:

So you know somebody kind of talked about this kind of looking into the future stuff and I’m kind of a sports guy as you can probably see from behind me. I’ve got a whole wall of footballs and baseballs and bats and all kinds of fun stuff. But Wayne Gretzky, who was probably one of the best hockey players in the world, ever basically said when he was playing, he says, “I try to skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it is now”. Right? And so that’s really what we really need to think about when we’re talking about the future. We need to think about what it’s going to be and not what it is now.

Speaker 1:

So that if that kind of helps frame that whole scenario. Nobody has a crystal ball. I certainly don’t. I don’t know how long it is going to take us to get out of this. I personally believe it’s going to be sooner than later, but I don’t know that. And so what my job is, is to prepare our clients again for coming out of this bigger and better than what they were before. So, and that’s what you need if you’re not a client of ours. That’s what you need to be thinking about as well. Be a leader. Think about tomorrow, not today and really set your practice up. Because what you do right now I believe is what’s going to be how your practice comes out of this and how it plans on growing afterwards is the actions that you take now and the decisions that you make now.

Speaker 1:

So a couple of ideas that I’ve heard from other practices on what they’re not necessarily doing now, but things that they plan on doing once they do open up. And maybe you guys thought about this too and if you have anything new that I have I don’t cover here, please let me know. But some of them are going to extend hours once they opened back up instead of like an eight-to-five it’s going to be more like a six-to-six type thing. Open up on weekends, things like that to handle that surge that I think is going to happen once everything opens back up, especially for existing patients.

Speaker 1:

So the other thing that I want to spend some time on here is a virtual consults. So it seems a little crazy. We’ve actually been testing virtual consults for a while now and we’ve kind of put it on the back burner a little bit just because we feel the ones that we’ve tested with, we’re a little uneasy with it. It’s a whole different way to think about doing dentistry, right? But now it’s a little different framework. Now we’re in a position where I think we almost have to at least consider this. So I want to talk to you about a software that we’ve tested and I know some others have. We tested quite a few different ones, including the technology I’m using right now. It’s called Zoom. Zoom has a HIPPA compliant version. It’s not too expensive. I think it’s $40 or $50 a month. And you can do consults this way via Zoom.

Speaker 1:

However, I would suggest going with a company called,, This is a HIPAA approved company. We’ve tested a little bit. They have a free trial you can sign up for again, it’s I’m going to go ahead and put that into the chat so you can I have that as a reference. There you go. And it’s a software that you don’t have to download. Your patients don’t have to download. It’s HIPPA approved all over the world. The BAA is included once you sign up. So you’re covered from that sense. And essentially what it does is it allows you to meet with patients virtually.

Speaker 1:

I’m going to go ahead and share my screen really quickly if I can figure out how to do that. So you can actually take a look at this. Here we go. Share. There we go. Okay. You should be able to see my screen. Now. This is it. This is, it’s a free set up. No downloads. It seems very easy to use when we’ve tested it. Got some reviews here. Obviously you don’t know until you try to use it for yourself. And this, there’s going to be a little bit of a learning curve here.

Speaker 1:

And I honestly don’t know that this is just a coronavirus time to use this. I think that if we use this now, I think there’s the future of dentistry or at least part of it is going to be in this virtual type stuff. And I think that now it’s forcing our hands a little bit to use it and I think if we do use it now, we just continue it into our marketing. And this is a part of, part of the way you do business going forward. You do on digital calendar. So essentially when people go to your website, they can log on, set up a time that’s integrated with your practice management software like Dentrix or Eaglesoft, whatever it may be. You let people go ahead and create their appointments. It all integrates into this.

Speaker 1:

Let me just kind of show you what the patient view looks like. There’s a little video here that you can watch. I won’t do right now, but it’s private, it’s secure, there’re no downloads for it. There’s some patient reviews. Here are some frequently asked questions. Again, we’re not affiliated with these people at all. I don’t know anybody from this company whatsoever. It’s just we’ve tested a few different and this seems to be the more, most solid as of right now. So for providers you can kind of see what this looks like. This is the patient view. You can do a live chat, there’ll be a patient queue. So you’ve got kind of your own virtual waiting room if you will, which is, I think it’s kind of cool. You can, if they have video on the other side, that’s great. If not, they don’t have to, they can just use the audio side of it.

Speaker 1:

But obviously if they’re going to do any sort of a consult where you actually look at anything than you’re going to need to have that video. And they break it out here by clinics as well. So you can see some people that have used it, you can see how this works. You kind of have a dedicated landing page on the how they log in if you will. They, they put their, you can actually go into the room. They tried to make this as realistic as possible. So it’s a really cool software. It’s slick, we’ve used it. You can obviously use your custom branding so you know your logo, your colors, things like that. And we’ll help you set this stuff up. So I don’t think you’re by yourself. So if you’re a client of ours, I see tons of our current clients on here now. If you want to try this or at least trial it for free, let me know and we can help you get it set up.

Speaker 1:

In terms of pricing, it’s not really bad. I mean 35 bucks a month for an individual provider. I think you get a little bit of a discount if you pay for a year. It shows you what’s involved here. There’s a lot of really cool stuff you can do here. And it’s 35 bucks a month if you get one patient because of this it pays itself for years to come basically. I mean, again, we’re not affiliated with this, we don’t get anything out of this. It’s, I want to make sure you know about it. And if this is something that you are considering, I think this is a good choice for you. So some of you may be saying, kind of let me stop the share here. Some of you may be even thinking, I don’t know about this.

Speaker 1:

This is a little crazy. Well, it’s kind of crazy times too, right? And you’ve got to do what you can to survive. And there are others using this right now. There are others that have been using this for quite a while. But again, in my opinion is right now we need to do whatever we can to bring in a pipeline of new patients for when you do open, back up. So let’s say you’re closed right now, you could still do this, right? As long as you have a phone or a computer connection. Works on mobile devices as well. And what it can do, it’s not going to replace a full exam or you know you get x-rays and you can see all their mouth and teeth and the problems that’s going on. This is more of like an initial consult where you might be able to see some things.

Speaker 1:

But what we’re doing is we’re building a pipeline and we’re building a relationship with this potential new patient. Right? And again, this is focused for new patients, not necessarily existing. You can do existing if you like. This software also I forgot to mention, has billing included in it so you can bill for the consult, they can enter in their insurance information through it. It’s all slick and set up and ready to go for you. I mean obviously it’ll be a little bit of a learning curve on how to use it and things like that as with any software, but it’s pretty slick on how you can integrate health insurance benefits, your billing, all kinds of stuff. So, but again, going back to this why to use it, because you can start the process. If a new patient wants to see someone, they need medical care right now it’s not because of COVID.

Speaker 1:

People don’t have emergency cases or they don’t want to go see a dentist. It’s that they can’t. So the market demand is there. It’s just they’re trying to find somebody that can handle their request right now. And that’s where this will make the potential new patient feel safe, secure. It’s not for everybody. If you get up to that 65 year old and older, you may have some issues getting people to use this. But if you’re in that, millennials, younger than millennials, kids, I think you probably are going to get some traction with this. But we can start the pipeline. So you can start doing initial consults being their dentist on record perhaps. And then once you do open up in a couple of weeks or a month or whenever it may be, we can get them scheduled in as soon as possible.

Speaker 1:

So you’ve kind of started the consultation process. You’re building up your pipeline, even though you’re not open. I can promise you a lot of other dental practices aren’t doing this. They’re just sitting there doing nothing while you could be building up a pipeline. So how do you get people to come in and do this? Well, my suggestion would be Facebook ads and Google ads, and specifically around telling people that they can see a dentist right now. A couple of examples that I’ve seen work. Is an ad that we tested calling, “Since you can’t come to us, we can come to you”. We run that on Facebook. I’m getting tons of interest. All right? The demand is still there. They just want a safe and secure way to go see the dentist. Right?

Speaker 1:

Another one is, we talk about how the CDC recommends virtual care right now for their safety. Put that in the ads. The other thing is why wait? Speak with a licensed dentist or orthodontist right now. Financing right now is very important. So if you use care credit or any other type of financing, we want to put that in any advertising like a 0% down interest free, blah, blah, blah. Right? Again, I don’t want to give away the farm here. I don’t want to do specials that aren’t even going to make you money. Like what’s that company called? Oh, I can’t even remember. Groupon, we don’t want to do Groupon type deals where it just lessens your brand a little bit. But there are some things, creative ways, like 0% financing that we can talk about that, it can get people off their couch along with, “Hey, see a dentist now type thing”. Right?

Speaker 1:

And you can set your hours for whatever you want to in terms of these cases, but, and doing this with Facebook and Google you can really make an impact and drive new patients while your office isn’t even open. Now I talked about Facebook and Google ads and they’re two way different mediums. Yeah, they’re both online. But if you think about it, Google, when you do a Google search, and I type in something about the price of dental implants, right? Or I have it, or tooth pain, I need a root canal. You know, any searches like that, these are people more that have their credit card in hand and they’re ready to buy right now. Okay? These are the people that have intent right now. They’re ready to buy. They’re way down on the sales cycle, okay? These are people that you can pick. Kind of the low hanging fruit, they’re ready to buy.

Speaker 1:

Facebook is more of a, you’re targeting a demographic like 25 to 34 four year old female with two and a half kids and a golden retriever, blah, blah, blah. You can target those people and you can put ads in front of them and you can target a spectrum of maybe a five mile radius around your office. But these are people that are more casual browsers. You don’t know where they are in that sales cycle, right? They could not even be thinking about doing anything in dentistry right now. They don’t have an immediate need, but these are still valuable prospects because we can educate in this market, right? We can educate to these people that they probably don’t even know that they can go see a dentist virtually. Right?

Speaker 1:

And they’re like, well, I’m just sitting around and not doing anything. I might as well, start the initial consultation, right? Because nobody is offering it to me and I do need to do it. So there’s a lot of potential here and it doesn’t have to cost thousands of dollars to do this. I mean, depending on what market you’re in, some of you I can see are in very large markets like New York City and some are in smaller markets and rural markets. It just kind of depends on your market on how much money you want to spend doing that. But I think it’s a great creative, unique way for you too, to kind of stay relevant in these times.

Speaker 1:

A couple of other things you know that I want to talk about here is, again, if you are a client of ours and you’re interested in something like virtual consults, let me know. Let’s do a test. See what happens. If you’re not a client yet, just go to our website, and you can request a free consult right there. And you’ll talk to me directly when you set that up. I mean, we can talk about virtual consults, we can, we can talk about anything that you want to, you’re not going to charge anybody anything for this.

Speaker 1:

If you’re a current client, we’re not going to charge you anything to help you set up the virtual consults stuff, this is all value add to try to help, help us both get through this if you will. We’re in this together and you know, these are pretty dire times and we’re doing everything that we can to add value to our clients, whether they’re open or not open or whatever’s going on. So I think that from talking to other experts out there and just talking to other dentists and what’s working for them and what’s not is this virtual consult thing. I really think that this is an idea that if we in implement now, it’s going to continue to be a new source of new patients for you going forward.

Speaker 1:

I want you guys to go ahead and if you would put into chat some questions. We’re about a half an hour into this now, so I don’t want to take too much of your time, but I do also want to answer any questions that you may have coming in and what kind of situation you’re in. [Thrine 00:25:50] is say starting a new ortho product business going to part market and summer. Okay, cool. It’s probably good timing for you, I’m sure. Somebody here is from Australia. Wow, that’s awesome. Okay. One question I have is for the virtual console. How do you set up the billing? I probably already answered this for you, but essentially you can set up your billing and your insurance all within the software.

Speaker 1:

I haven’t done it personally. Again, I have no part in It’s just a software that we tested. We tested a lot of different types of HIPPA compliance software. This seems to be the leader for our purposes and that’s what we’re recommending to our clients. So we haven’t actually gone in and set up the billing and the insurance part of it as of yet, but they’ve told me that it’s a pretty smooth process to do that.

Speaker 1:

All right. I’ve been sending out emails to patients about our status. What do you suggest saying? Okay, so here’s one of the mistakes I’m seeing right now from dental practices and I get why the first one should be like this and I’m not sure the future ones need to be. I’m getting a very serious tone, like a very serious, the CDC has implemented or the recommended, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

And I think that’s important for a lot of our clients we’ve put messages like that on their websites. Just saying, the CDC recommends this, we’re doing that, this is a precautionary blah, blah, blah. I think your next communication, and I think you should send something out at least weekly to your patient base, should be more at a personal level, right? More of like we’re talking right now, and I really think it should be in video form as well. Something like this goes way further to your patients than just an email or even just a text message, right? They can see your face, they can see your emotions, they can see that you care. And these videos are very easy to do nowadays. You can use Zoom, you can use your phone if you have questions on how to do it, let me know.

Speaker 1:

I can help you out. I’m your resident nerd. I can help you figure out the technology to make that happen and I can even help you send it out to your patient base. Whether you’re a client or not I won’t charge you to do that. So if you’re on this webinar and you’re like, Oh, I’m not a client, it’s not going to work, I don’t care, contact me. Go to, schedule a free consult and I’ll help you through it and I won’t charge you a dime. So I think you need to communicate once a week. I think it needs to be more personable, yet professional and talk about what’s going on, your challenges, what you’ve been up to, suggestions. If somebody needs a dentist, what to do. Maybe this is a virtual consult type message, something like that.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Next question here. Hold on, I’ve got to scroll through a few here. We’ve already answered a few of these. Okay. Here’s a good one. I’m constructing my practice now. We were planning on opening in April. Should I still do that? Well, again, I’m going to go back to my crystal ball. I don’t have one. I don’t know what it’s going to be like in April. I don’t know what it’s going to be like next week. My gut tells me that by the end of April I think, I believe that a lot of this will be eased in terms of the economy being shut down essentially. So if it were me I would, okay. I would, I don’t know what I would do. Honestly it’s, I don’t want to give you bad advice here, but my personal opinion is, is that you need to prepare for what it’s going to look like when you do open.

Speaker 1:

So if you don’t have a website built yet, get that built. If you haven’t started engine optimization work yet, get that started because that takes time. I wouldn’t start running paid advertising right now because that’s more of a, certainly on Google because that’s more of a people need it now type thing and you can’t provide that unless you do virtual consults. So it just kind of depends on what you’ve set up and what you’re willing to do. Let me scroll through if you have any other questions to go ahead and hit me up here on the chat. Let’s see.

Speaker 1:

Has HIPPA loosened their restrictions? I’ve heard that they have, I haven’t seen anything official on that, but I wouldn’t even mess with it. I would continue doing everything HIPPA compliant. We are 90 some percent HIPPA compliant right now. We hired an agency, a consulting company to come in and make us HIPPA compliant. So all of the marketing stuff that we do for our clients is HIPPA compliant or about to be. And as much as I hate to say it, most marketing companies out there are not even the big ones. So anything that you do have, whether you do it on your own or you hire a company like mine, made sure it’s HIPPA compliant. I wouldn’t, even though they say that they’re loosening the restrictions, I would still play by all the rules because there’s a lot of attorneys out there that are looking for reasons to sue and up to the point of this COVID-19 virus. That’s what was happening. And so everybody has to take precautions and protect themselves.

Speaker 1:

So my answer to that is I wouldn’t take any shortcuts here. It’s not worth it. It’s expensive stuff if you get caught doing something. So, what’s the best email software to use to, to send emails to patients? A lot of the good, like Dentrix Practice Management Software have this kind of stuff already in it. The ability to email out blasts if you will, to your patients. Usually when we do email marketing, we’re not as concerned with the platform that we use as what the messaging is. So I would think more about what your messaging should be versus the platform to send it out. But if you don’t have Practice Management Software, which I think you probably do. See if that practice management software provides email blasting capabilities and then work with an expert or somebody that you know perhaps on what that messaging should be.

Speaker 1:

And don’t get too caught up, some people tell me like on social media, what should I post? Just do it is what I say. Don’t get, don’t, don’t paralyze yourself to make sure everything’s perfect. Like this webinar for instance. This isn’t perfect, this isn’t what I would usually do. Right? But I think just taking action and doing something is better than doing nothing at all, if that makes sense. So also what I will add to that, if you send an email out to your patients, put that same email out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, whatever. Send it out to all your channels because everybody uses different types of mediums to see things. And if somebody sees things over and over it’s even better, that keeps you top of mind. So when you distribute things, then I would certainly use everything in your powers to do that. Okay. I’ll do one last question here before I let everybody go. Let me see here, scrolling through.

Speaker 1:

Here’s one on virtual consults using Doxy. Can you only use video or can you use audio too? You can use both. Either you can use video or audio or obviously both of them together. So what I would recommend, anybody that wants to use Doxy, sign up for the free trial, test it out, get used to it, see what you think of it, and then go from there.

Speaker 1:

Again guys, thanks for everybody for being here. One last thing I do want to tell you is if you’re doing your own marketing and you work with Google in terms of Google My Business, your local profile, they announced a couple of days ago that if you make changes to that profile now you’re probably not going to see any updates until this virus scare is over. And the reason being is because Google has got a lot of people working from home now, or a lot of people that just can’t work right now and they’re kind of on a skeleton crew.

Speaker 1:

So any changes you make to that Google profile probably won’t be updated for quite some time. So if you change your phone number or your address or anything like that, it probably won’t update immediately. It’s probably going to take a while for it to update. Also people are not able to leave you reviews right now. I don’t know if you knew that or not, but if you have patients going to leave reviews right now, it’s not going to work. They can leave their review. The review just is not going to show up anytime soon. So just making sure you know that. And also you can’t respond to any reviews right now either. So for instance, one of our services is review management. We help clients get reviews, but we also respond to all the reviews that come in on behalf of our clients. And we can’t do that right now.

Speaker 1:

We can put the response in but it doesn’t show up. So just so you know, I would, my recommendation is just to hold off doing anything with your Google profile right now because they say you can make the changes and that it will update later. I’m not so sure. I am working with Google for almost 11 years now. I wouldn’t make a whole bunch of changes and then just hope that it will be updated in the future. I would just wait until this settles down a little bit.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, thanks again for everybody being here. If you do have questions, current clients, you know how to reach me, for sure. People that aren’t our client. Again, I will help you absolutely for free to get through this, but I just go to click on the free consult button, schedule a time with me. It’ll be with me directly, nobody else, and I’d be more than happy to help you out wherever I can. So thanks again and we’ll talk to you soon.