
How to Become a Celebrity Dentist: Grow Your Practice with Authority Marketing


In today’s highly competitive dental market, standing out is more crucial than ever. The traditional methods of attracting patients, such as word-of-mouth and simple advertising, are no longer sufficient. To truly grow your practice, it’s essential to establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field. This article explores strategies discussed in the video “How to Become a Celebrity Dentist: Grow Your Practice with Authority Marketing” by Kickstart Dental Marketing, featuring insights from experts in both the dental and marketing industries.

Understanding Authority Marketing

Authority marketing is about positioning yourself as an expert in your field, making you the go-to professional for your services. When you are seen as an authority, potential patients are more likely to trust you, which in turn makes them more likely to choose your practice over others. The video emphasizes that becoming an authority isn’t about being the most famous dentist in the world; it’s about being the most trusted one in your community.

Leveraging Other People’s Audiences

One of the key strategies discussed is leveraging other people’s audiences. This involves finding opportunities to speak or present in front of groups that already have a large following. For example, participating in local events, podcasts, or webinars can expose your practice to new audiences who trust the person or organization hosting the event. By aligning yourself with these trusted figures or platforms, you inherit some of that trust and authority.

Crafting a Talk That Converts

Another crucial element of authority marketing is creating a talk or presentation that not only informs but also converts listeners into patients. The video suggests focusing on a specific problem your ideal patient faces and offering a solution through your services. It’s important that your talk includes a clear call to action, encouraging your audience to book an appointment or engage with your practice in some way.

Creating a Celebrity Brand in Dentistry

The concept of becoming a “celebrity” dentist is also discussed. This doesn’t mean you need to appear on television or in magazines, but rather that you should be the most recognized and trusted name in your local area. Simple actions, like featuring high-profile clients in your community or participating in local charity events, can elevate your status. The goal is to become synonymous with quality dental care in your community.

Utilizing Local and Online Platforms

The video stresses that while in-person events are powerful, online platforms offer tremendous opportunities as well. Starting a podcast, writing a blog, or even creating a YouTube channel where you discuss dental health can help establish your authority. These platforms allow you to reach a broader audience and position yourself as an expert in the eyes of potential patients who are searching for information online.

Actionable Steps to Get Started

To start building your authority, begin by identifying where your ideal patients spend their time. This could be local community groups, online forums, or social media platforms. Create content that addresses their specific concerns and showcases your expertise. Remember, the key is consistency—regularly engaging with your audience will keep you top of mind when they need dental services.


Authority marketing is a powerful tool for growing your dental practice. By positioning yourself as a trusted expert, leveraging other people’s audiences, and consistently providing valuable content, you can attract more patients and build a thriving practice. Start small, take actionable steps, and watch as your authority grows along with your patient base.


[00:00:00] – Introduction and Impact of Celebrity Endorsement
“And they just put him inside one of their cars and their sales in one month increased 25% on their flagship most expensive vehicles. Is that right? I didn’t know that.”
“You can’t quiz people live, Kim. I think you like to do this to me and it’s fine.”
“But it really is fine. Getting in front of other people’s audiences is the number one way to grow your business effectively.”
“You can charge what you want, you can work with who you want, and you get to create a profitable business without ever having to chase after a lead again because people are flocking to you because they see you as the ultimate celebrity or niche.”
[00:01:03] – Welcome to the Dental Marketing Podcast
“Welcome to the Dental Marketing Podcast, a podcast that helps dentists win in the online world of modern-day marketing.”
“Each week, we cover the most cutting-edge marketing tactics and strategies that are working right now across our client base to drive leads, phone calls, and more new patients for dentists.”
“Now here’s your host and founder of Kickstart Dental Marketing, Chris Pistorius.”
[00:01:34] – Introduction of Guests
“Hey everyone, welcome to the No BS Dental Marketing Podcast. I am your host Chris Pistorius.”
“On this show, we talk about straight-to-the-point, no-BS tactics, tricks, and strategies to help you grow your dental practice.”
“Today, I’ve got two very special guests. I’ve got Kim Walsh Phillips and Justin Guarini.”
[00:02:04] – Justin Guarini’s Background
“You might recognize me from the first season of American Idol, where I made it all the way to the finale and duked it out with Kelly Clarkson.”
“And then have gone on to about, was it 23 years now of high-level success and seven Broadway shows.”
“And you might recognize me as Lil’ Sweet AKA Lil’ Sweet from the Dr Pepper commercials.”
[00:03:03] – Kim Walsh Phillips’ Background
“Kim went from over 32 clients to like 11,000 in about a year.”
“I went from being someone who hocked her engagement ring in order to make payroll to being able to sell my first company at a big exit and start my second firm and land on the Inc 5000 within three years.”
“Working with celebrity clients like Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank, Dan Kennedy, and other celebrities and entrepreneurs.”
[00:04:34] – Building Authority in Dentistry
“This is the No BS Dental Marketing Podcast. I work with a lot of dentists. A lot of your audience today are going to be small business owners, dental practices, people like that.”
“Now, we’re looking at two superstars here, and they’re probably thinking in the back of their mind, ‘There’s no way that I can build the type of authority that these folks are talking about because I’m just a local yokel or whatever.'”
[00:05:03] – Leveraging Other People’s Audiences
“Well, I have a quick story that will represent this well. So Justin and I were looking to grow our business. We already have very busy businesses, busy families, all the things.”
“And we had an idea about leveraging other people’s audiences because, you know, in traditional marketing, there are three ways to grow our business: find the leads, build your authority, and convert those leads into actual sales.”
“So we’re like, ‘What if we could speed this up by getting on other people’s audiences?'”
[00:05:53] – The Impact of Speaking Engagements
“We walk into the event venue, and what happens to me often happens in this moment, and people are running up to Justin. They completely ignore me until the point when they want to take a selfie, a picture with him.”
“They hand me the phone as though I’m his assistant, and they ask me to take a photo.”
“We give a 20-minute talk, the same length of talk you could give at your local Rotary Club, your Chamber meeting, your La Tip group. Talk for 20 minutes.”
[00:07:03] – Becoming a Celebrity in Dentistry
“Getting in front of other people’s audiences is the number one way to grow your business effectively.”
“You can charge what you want, you can work with who you want, and you get to create a profitable business without ever having to chase after a lead again.”
“When it comes to dentistry, there has never been a better space than to do that. I’ve worked so much in the cosmetic and dentistry spaces.”
[00:08:03] – The Role of Speaking Engagements in Marketing
“Stage time is money time, right? If you can get in front of these people, like for me, if I can go to a conference, a dental conference, and I can get stage time with my sponsorship, I’ll pay whatever they want.”
“Because they see me as that authority, I’m automatically above my competition.”
[00:08:34] – The Importance of Creating a Unique Talk
“What you have to do first is make sure you create a unique talk to get in front of those stages.”
“The person who brings you up on the stage, it’s an implied referral, right? You’re up there speaking with other authorities, so the audience is going to see you as that authority.”
[00:09:34] – The Power of an Offer in Your Talk
“A talk that converts has something at the end called an offer.”
“Yes, it’s to inspire and to motivate, but ultimately, the aim of your talk is to help grow your business, to help attract that right-fit client into your world.”
[00:10:34] – Creating a Hook for Your Talk
“Your goal is to create a title that will get you booked on stages. You want to create it so specific that the event organizer is like, ‘I want to hear this talk so badly, I’m going to book this person.'”
[00:11:34] – Tailoring Your Talk to Your Audience
“When it comes to the dentistry market, you want to think about who is your perfect problem prospect, the person that you want as a patient so badly.”
“You could be a speaker who creates your talk all around ‘The Confident Smile: How to Unlock Your Child’s Unique Gifts and Give Them the Confidence They Need to Succeed in Life.'”
[00:13:03] – Online and In-Person Engagements
“Does it always have to be in person? Is there a way that a dentist could do this online? Are we in person right now? Exactly.”
[00:13:34] – Starting with Local Speaking Engagements
“They can start by interviewing other people in their community that would be good referral partners.”
“If you don’t know how to get on other people’s stages, you can create your own virtual stage.”
[00:14:34] – Overcoming Barriers to Starting
“I don’t recommend starting with a podcast or summit for the local dentist market. Start with places that are bringing in speakers right now in your community and start there.”
[00:15:34] – Leveraging Local Organizations
“Every community has a Rotary Club, a Kiwanis, a La Tip, a Chamber group. These are the best places to start.”
“The local market is actually much easier to infiltrate than some of those national or international stages.”
[00:16:34] – Using LinkedIn for Networking
“You can literally connect with folks via LinkedIn, put in ‘Rotary,’ put in your area, see who pops up, and just start messaging them to see if they book outside speakers and get booked that way.”
[00:17:34] – The Importance of Specificity in Marketing
“The name of your company is not Kickstart General Marketing, right? It’s Kickstart Dental Marketing.”
“Getting specific is crucial. When you’re speaking to an audience, don’t get too technical. Focus on what they want, not what they need.”
[00:18:34] – Understanding Your Audience’s Needs
“The biggest mistake we see is people talking about what their perfect problem prospect needs upfront instead of talking about what they want.”
“They wake up knowing, ‘Oh, my child’s teeth are crooked, and they just don’t feel confident.’ Focus on what they want.”
[00:19:34] – The Value of Speaking Engagements
“You don’t have to have a million-dollar budget to do this.”
“You’re getting on stages for free, generating clients who are the right fit.”
[00:20:34] – Out-of-the-Box Marketing Ideas
“Out-of-the-box marketing is crucial. These are creative ideas that not everybody’s going to do.”
“We also do something called local sponsorship marketing, where we reach out to local charities, organizations, high school football teams, and negotiate sponsorships at a local level.”
[00:21:34] – Taking Action
“Only 2% of you listening will do anything with the ideas we just said.”
“The difference between a business that sounds good and a business that grows is the person that takes action.”
[00:22:34] – Getting Started with Authority Marketing
“Start by featuring a few of your wonderful patients in your next newsletter or by finding an organization