
Chris Pistorius:
Hey everybody, what is up? This is Chris Pistorius. I am the CEO and founder of KickStart Dental Marketing, and also the author of the book, The Ultimate Guide to Internet Marketing for Dentists. This month will mark 11 years that my agency has been helping dental, orthodontic, and pediatric practices grow their patient bases. I’ve learned a lot over the last few years, and I’ve also experienced economic downturns in the past. In fact, I started this agency during the Great Recession, which as you probably remember, was an absolute crazy time as well. So I know that many of your practices are hurting. They’ve taken a blow during this unprecedented crisis, and many of you have even closed your offices, for the time being anyway, or are only serving dental emergencies. My agency is in the same boat. We’ve definitely been impacted as well.

Chris Pistorius:
But I will tell you that this hasn’t all doom and gloom. This is an unprecedented opportunity for us as well. My experience from other economic downturns has told me that, really, there’s two directions that you can take when you go through a crisis like this as a small business owner. Number one, you could do nothing and just sit and wait and let it go. Right? Makes sense. Or number two, you could use this downtime as an opportunity, an opportunity to position your dental practice for success for when we do come out of this. The practices that choose option number two will be the leaders going forward, and they will thrive once things do get back to normal. I’m sure you’ve read multiple times how some of the richest people in the world get rich from down economic times like this, and that’s because they keep the pedal to the metal. They see an opportunity, they realize that things are going to get better, and they do whatever they can to try to put themselves in a better position coming out of it than when they came in.

Chris Pistorius:
So we want to help those of you that do see this as an opportunity. We’re offering a completely free 60-day marketing campaign, so that you can make the most out of this crisis and put your practice in a position to be a market leader. Number one, we will build you a stunning, best-in-class website, absolutely free. We typically charge around $5,000 to develop a website like this. Now, if you don’t want a new website, or you don’t need a new website, we will leverage our 11 years of experience in dental marketing, and we’ll work with your current site to make it a 24/7 new patient generation machine. Number two, we will do a SEO campaign, search engine optimization, to increase your Google rankings. So while you’re sitting, not really getting a lot of action right now, why not increase those rankings so that when we come out of this in a couple of months, you’ll be ready for that new patient base.

Chris Pistorius:
And then number three, we will install a live chat system on your website. This is going to make it much easier for patients of all ages to communicate with you. Now, there’s more details about these services and what we will do a little bit lower on the page, so check those out. But I want to make sure you realize there’s absolutely no obligation with this, and you won’t pay a dime. And you’ll, from day one, own the website that we build for you and any other marketing assets that we create. Now at the end of the 60 days, I’m going to ask you, “What do you think of the services? And would you be interested in continuing on a paid basis?”

Chris Pistorius:
But that’s completely up to you, and none of this hinges on that. So please click the get started button on this page, fill out the information, and I will personally reach out to you to discuss the next steps, answer any questions you may have. And if you have any questions that you need answered before that, just feel free to reach out to me directly. My email address is And remember, we’re in this thing together, and we can come out of this stronger than we came into it. Thanks. And I look forward to hearing from you very soon.

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