Our CEO Interviewed On The Winners Way Podcast

Our CEO Interviewed On The Winners Way Podcast

Check out our CEO, Chris Pistorius being interviewed by Bola Alabi of the “Winners Way Podcast“. They get into some great details on creative ways to market a local dental practice.

Read The Interview Below


Speaker 1:        Hey everyone. Welcome to another episode of the winners with podcast. This podcast is where we talk about career. We talk about money. We talk about entrepreneurship. Uh, we will just want you to win and Excel your like, and today we have a guest with us. Uh, Chris bridge tur, uh, is the founder of kickstart dental. He is a marketing expert. He’s on, <inaudible> a podcast host and [00:00:30] is a coach. So he has multiple hearts. So we are gonna be learning from Chris today, as we diving into the, uh, online, uh, marketing space. Hey Chris, welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:        Hey, thanks for having me. I appreciate it.

Speaker 1:        Awesome. Uh, do you wanna just go ahead and introduce yourself to, to my audience so that they can yeah. Know you better?

Speaker 2:        Yeah. You did a great job already, but yeah, I <laugh>, I’ve [00:01:00] uh, owned, uh, I’ve owned, kickstart dental marketing for about 12 and a half years now. Um, we focus on marketing for dental practices. We, I started it at zero. So from scratch, basically I learned a lot along the way. Unfortunately, I learned a lot about what not to do <laugh> so I like to, uh, I like to pass that knowledge on to anybody that’s willing to listen because, um, I wish I had more of that advice when I had started, but I live in Denver, Colorado. Uh, I have a team of 13 people. Um, [00:01:30] we’re all remote. I’m just working outta my office here. Um, I’m married, I’ve got two kids. I just sent one off to college and my son is 13 years old and keeps me very busy between work and work and him. <laugh>

Speaker 1:        Fantastic. Uh, yeah, I like what you said as more to us. It is good to know what to do. It is also great to know what not to do. Yeah. So we, we are gonna be exploring all those details as we talk about [00:02:00] online digital marketing here. So, uh, why do you think it’s important, uh, to know how to market, uh, product or service? Why is that important?

Speaker 2:        Yeah. Yeah. And just let me preface this by. Yeah, I’m in, I’m in dental marketing, but a lot of what I’m talking about really applies to any type of business you have, you know, if you’re a lawyer or an autobody mechanic or whatever, it may be, it really, it does apply. But you know, the thing about marketing is [00:02:30] that, you know, it’s no longer, um, good enough to just be in business, right? There’s a lot of competition in dentistry and you know, any local business, there’s more competition now than there’s ever been. And the internet has made marketing yourself, um, more complicated, meaning back in the day, <laugh>, you know, you guys are, you’re pretty young, but if you remember the yellow pages right back in the day, you could put an ad in the yellow pages, maybe do some direct mail [00:03:00] and you, that would work for you as a local business or a small business. Well, nowadays there’s 50 different places you could market online, right. With the internet and it’s built a lot of complexity. And if you don’t really know what you’re doing and you, you don’t really understand it, you can spend a lot of money doing that and not get the results that you want. And so the reason, and the importance of marketing is because of competition and just the mediums that are available to small and medium sized businesses.

Speaker 1:        Oh, wow. [00:03:30] So when you consider, you spoke about yellow pages, uh, yeah, those ones I have gone now, I, I dunno if anyone still use those. Um, but I know about Facebook. I know about Google. Uh, Instagram is also there for people to market, uh, in your view, uh, Chris, which of this platform would give, uh, people the best return on their bulk, if they want to, you know, focus on online [00:04:00] a, uh, promotions.

Speaker 2:        Yeah, that’s a great question. I get asked it a lot and there’s no easy answer. Unfortunately, it really depends on what you do and who your target market is. So one of the first things that we do when we take on a client is identify who it is that they wanna walk through the door. Who’s their, who’s their ideal client. And then we kind of reverse engineer from there. So if it’s, you know, you want the 25 to 35 year old female with two and a half kids and a golden retriever, then we need to market [00:04:30] where we know that those people, those types of people show up, right? So Facebook can be a great audience for that, but if you want maybe an older audience, that’s 45 to 65, you know, maybe has, uh, you know, medium income, whatever it may be, then that may be more of a Google type play.

Speaker 2:        So there’s no, you know, silver bullet that says, this is what you should do. Um, I know in dentistry specifically, right now, what’s working well for us are TikTok ads, as you know, which sounds crazy. I know, [00:05:00] but what we’re seeing with TikTok advertising is that it’s doing a hockey stick right now in terms of going up and age. So we saw this with Facebook as well, when Facebook first started, it was mostly for kids and teenagers, right. And then gradually, you know, it’s gone up to an age to hold people like me using it. Well, TikTok is doing the same thing, but it’s doing it much, much more quickly. So the audience is getting much older, much quicker. So we are seeing some good results in TikTok. And I think that that strategy could [00:05:30] work for a lot of small businesses out there.

Speaker 1:        Oh, wow. I, I did not know that, uh, people advertise on TikTok. I know, uh, TikTok is seriously, uh, giving Facebook Iran for its money because, uh, maybe people are spending time on TikTok videos. I, I never knew you could, uh, advertise on TikTok. Oh, that that’s good to know. Yeah. So what’s the role of, uh, such engine [00:06:00] optimization, S E O uh, on, you know, online art.

Speaker 2:        Yeah. So SEO is a complicated beast. You know, it’s the art of, you know, getting your website to rank organically on Google, you know, not the paid section. It’s just the organic section, which is if you’re doing a local search or sometimes you see a map show up and then there’s like three or four listings there. And then underneath the map, that’s what we talk about with organic. Um, so there, it [00:06:30] used to be back in the day that you could do five or six things and probably get somebody to rank pretty highly on Google. Um, to today, it’s not that way. It’s much more complex. The Google algorithm is a set of rules that it’s over 200 different rules on what makes a website rank highly organically. Um, and they change those rules all the time. So companies like mine have to constantly be ahead of the curve and understand the algorithm and what it takes to really rank.

Speaker 2:        But what I can tell you is that [00:07:00] there are some basic things that, that you need to know about SEO. And number one is relevance. You know, Google’s looking for relevant websites compared to how somebody searches. So if I do a search for a bankruptcy attorney in Denver, Colorado, it wants to see signals from websites that say, Hey, I’m a bankruptcy attorney in Denver, Colorado. Um, so it’s, it’s a lot about the relevancy of your website and the content on your website. Is it relevant to how people search on Google? [00:07:30] Right. Right. And then secondly, I think the most important thing about SEO is trust. Google has to trust your website before it’s gonna bring it back on the first page of Google. And so you need to send it a lot of trust factors, trust factors are things like content, right? Write a content is king write a lot of good quality content.

Speaker 2:        It can’t be just like junk content that, you know, you, you can barely read. It needs to be quality content where you’re giving really good [00:08:00] advice, tips, tricks, frequently asked questions, things like that. Um, but it also, you also need to build trust in terms of how you link your website. So for instance, one of the big things that we do are, is called backlinking and people in the SEO world are nodding their head right now, but it’s basically a back link is a link from another website to your website. Right. Okay. Now it used to be, it didn’t matter the quality of the site that ranked to your website, Google saw all those back links and that it [00:08:30] was like a popularity contest. But now it’s really more about the quality of those links. You can’t just go get links from other websites and they all mean the same thing. If you can get a back link from like a very authoritative trustworthy website, like for instance, a news source mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, that counts very, very highly in Google’s eyes, cuz they can see these back links. Right. So I mean, we could spend, you know, hours just on this topic, but to me SEO’s all about trust [00:09:00] and content and you know, just being able to, um, show those signals.

Speaker 1:        Oh wow. You know, um, you said SEO is about relevance, content, writing quality content, and you said, uh, trust and right, this is about, you know, sharing useful tips, tricks, advice, uh, for people so that they’ll, once they land on your website, you know, they will stay there, read your content, engage with your content. [00:09:30] And um, you know, with that way you’ll be able to, uh, build trust and, and that’s, uh, really, really important. Thank you very much. Uh, Chris for sharing that, uh, with us. Sure. I know you help, uh, local businesses, um, you know, to get, uh, online, um, recognition or, you know, to, uh, put them online. Now I, I want to ask how can, how do you do that and [00:10:00] how can local businesses leverage social media, you know, to attract more clients?

Speaker 2:        Yeah. I, I think there’s two different versions of social media. Okay. So there’s the type of what I call organic social media, which is really, you know, people already follow your page or you get people to follow your page and you post on your page and the people that the people that follow your page have a pretty good chance of seeing what you posted, [00:10:30] what some people don’t realize is that just cuz you post on your page doesn’t mean that all the people that follow your page are always gonna see what you post because Facebook has, if they’re not paying, if people aren’t paying attention to your content, when you post and they don’t click on anything, then the chances go down that they’ll actually proactively see your contact. So the, the other reason Facebook has done this in other social media organizations is because they, they wanna make revenue.

Speaker 2:        Right. Right. [00:11:00] So it’s, it’s really a big pay to play type model now. Right? So like when you do a post as a business, you can do like on Facebook, you can do a boost, a boost where you give them a little bit of money and then they’ll, they’ll, they’ll make sure that not only your audience sees your message, but you’re anybody like your audience too. Right? So they’ll go out and actually push it out there. So when you post organically, you know, you’re only getting a fraction of your followers who actually see this stuff. So it may be a good idea [00:11:30] to, to do some posts. But, and that, that takes me to the other side of social media, which is the ad advertising part of it where you can build advertising campaigns, you can target specific demographics. Um, you can, you can target income levels where people live all kinds of stuff and then create actual ad campaigns to target those people.

Speaker 2:        Um, when we do social media marketing, we try to do a, a little bit of both. Um, my advice though is that don’t have [00:12:00] an agency like mine do a hundred percent of your organic social media. The reason for that is we can do some of the heavy lifting and we post a lot of good content, but it’s more general type content. It’s not like, you know, Hey, I’m in the office and somebody dressed up funny for Halloween. Let me take a picture and post it on Facebook. We can’t do that because we’re not there. So they, our clients still have an active role in organic social media. Uh, it’s just, we kind of, uh, pass off the torch if you little do in terms of, of posting. [00:12:30] So we help out with it. So in my opinion, those are the two ways to do social media for businesses and two similar, but very different things.

Speaker 1:        Oh, thanks. So now let’s say I have a business, uh, maybe a dental priorities or any business for that matter. And I want to, you know, start promoting my business online. And uh, I reached out to you, uh, kickstart, uh, de dental marketing. How do you [00:13:00] start or how do you engage with, uh, your clients and help them to promote their business online? How does that process work?

Speaker 2:        Yeah, the first thing we do is what we call a strategy session. So they, they that’s free of charge. That’s just kind of a get to know you, you get to know me type thing and we find out pretty quickly if we’re gonna be a good fit for them or if they’re gonna be a good fit for us. And you know, it’s sometimes it’s, it’s just not and that’s okay, but it’s better to figure that [00:13:30] out in the beginning than when you’re six months in. Right. So that’s where we start and we ask questions like, all right, you know, what services do you provide? What are your goals? What makes you different? Um, who do you want to come in the door? You know, things like that. And then we talk about budget. Do you have an allocated budget? And then, you know, once we’ve gotten through that process and we’ve done a proposal, then at that point, um, and they’ve signed off on it, they like what they see and they become a client.

Speaker 2:        And the first thing that we do is what we call a launch party. [00:14:00] And essentially what we talk about in that launch party is all right, let’s identify your new patient avatars. So that is who it is that we want to come through the door. Like we talked about earlier, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> and we, we set really clear on paper goals in terms of who we want to come in and it can be more than one avatar, but we at least gotta get that on paper. And then we also get on paper, what their unique selling proposition is. You see, I believe that every business, even if they’re in the same industry is different, right? So a dentist is different [00:14:30] than a dentist, right? There’s gotta be something unique about the business that makes them want to go there versus their competition. So we try to really work on that unique selling proposition and get that on paper as well. And then once we have that, we’ve really got the foundation and we know what to do then strategy wise with the marketing campaign. And so that’s, that’s pretty much the process from when they sign up to, to when the campaign starts.

Speaker 1:        Perfect. So, you know, I’m asking that question so that maybe any of my audience, if they want to reach [00:15:00] out to you, connect with you, uh, they need help because I, myself, I’m struggling with these, uh, uh, digital online marketing. It’s, it’s a beast in my opinion. Yeah. Right. If you don’t know it, I I’ve run several Facebook, uh, ad. Yeah. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t. And I know if I know the process is gonna work, I’m struggling because I do not know. So for me, I know it’s always better to [00:15:30] have an expert that’ll, you know, hold my hands or guide me, help me so that I can figure it out. So that, that was why I has that question.

Speaker 2:        Uh, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:        The other thing that I do here is, uh, I try to give education to my audience. You know, if I have any resources or out there, I want them to be able to get their resources and use it to promote their business. And I saw that you have a book, uh, the ultimate [00:16:00] guide to internet marketing, uh, for dentist. Um, where can we get this book? That’s one, then two, can you just give us, uh, maybe the big idea of that book, you know, so that people will know, oh, this book would be useful for me or not.

Speaker 2:        Yeah. Check this out. I’ve got one. There it is.

Speaker 1:        <laugh> awesome. I see that.

Speaker 2:        Yeah. Sorry. That’s blur vision, but yeah. So it’s on amazon.com, [00:16:30] uh, for sure, but I’ll tell you, I mean, if anybody, I don’t care if you’re a dentist or not, this book actually has a lot of stuff in it. That’s, that’s applicable for any type of small business. Um, but if, if anybody wants to reach out to me directly, just go to my website@kickstartdental.com. Um, and you reach out to me, just click the free strategy session button on there. I do all of those myself, no matter what industry you’re in, and I’ll give you free advice, I’ll talk to you, answer [00:17:00] your questions as much as I can about your industry, whatever you’re in. And I’ll also send you, uh, the book for free as well, but it’s also on amazon.com. So, uh, but the, the general idea is just if, if somebody, I mean dentists historically, and I think a lot of small businesses, you know, they go into business because they’re good at something.

Speaker 2:        Right? Right. Well, a specific skill, you know, like a, an autobody guy’s good at repairing dents and working with cars, but they may not be great business people. Right. And they may not know how [00:17:30] to market themselves. And unfortunately, just because you’re good at a skill does not necessarily mean you’re gonna be successful in business. Mm-hmm <affirmative> right. Right. And so this book talks a lot about, you know, how to get your business set up to market it. And so you can get people in the door and get clients in the door. That’s bringing in revenue that which will make a successful business person. So it talks a lot about the tips and tactics around that.

Speaker 1:        Oh, cool. So, in, in your opinion, Chris, what are the, maybe top two mistakes that [00:18:00] you see people make when it comes to maybe online, uh, marketing?

Speaker 2:        I think the first mistake is they do nothing. Oh, right. <laugh> yeah. It’s serious because what happens is it’s, it’s complex, right. Like I said, it’s complicated. I mean, how do you know, do you do Google ads? Do you do Facebook ads? Do you buy a listing on some website, like on Yelp? I mean, what do you do? Right. And it’s overwhelming for business owners and I don’t blame ’em. And so what they, the, the kind of default mode is [00:18:30] I’m just gonna sit this out and keep doing what I do. And the problem with that is that your competition probably isn’t gonna do that and you’re gonna get passed up. Right. And we’re seeing that in the marketplace now of, you know, older generation dentists, who’ve been in business for 25, 30 years. They’re getting passed up by some of the younger competition now, because they’re not staying innovative and they’re not showing up high on Google and they’re not promoting themselves.

Speaker 2:        They’re just kind of relying on that old patient base. So I think that’s one of the big mistakes [00:19:00] that I see. Um, the second mistake that I see probably is, you know, just not realizing that you need to be spending five to 7% of your gross income in marketing, whether it’s digital marketing, whether it’s you go buy a billboard heaven forbid you buy a yellow page ad, whatever it may be. You need to be investing some of your money into marketing, right. If you wanna stay ahead of the curve. Right. And so it kind of correlates with doing nothing, but, you know, a lot of people ask me, [00:19:30] you know, how much should I spend? How much does this cost? And if you do marketing the right way, it’s not a cost. It’s not like the light bill, right? It’s, this should be something that’s making you money, right. Three to $5 for every dollar that you spend. So when I get asked, I don’t wanna spend a lot of money. What, what should I spend at, it’s an automatic red flag, because they’re not thinking of it the right way. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, you know, this should be something that grows their business. It’s not, you know, like an every month bill. So I think those are probably a couple of the biggest things that, that I see that [00:20:00] are mistakes.

Speaker 1:        Good point on what you said that, um, the way people should view advertising is, uh, they return on their investment. Uh, they shouldn’t just see it as a cost. So if I spent $100, for example, how much of that am I getting back? Or what, what would I get, uh, in terms of sales in return, maybe if I’m making 200 or 300, then I know that, Hey, uh, by spending hundred, I’m getting 300, [00:20:30] then I, uh, I’m cash positive. Right. So that’s a good form of investment in my opinion. So that’s good. Um, now I, I know things has changed, especially since, uh, the pandemic. Um, I wanna ask, how has the, you know, COVID 19 changed, uh, your business and maybe your client’s businesses, uh, you know, as a result of this, uh, pandemic has, [00:21:00] what change have you seen?

Speaker 2:        Yeah, I, well, I, I tell you, it was scary because really every dental practice in the us had to shut down for, I think it was at least 30 days and some longer, depending on where they were. So it was a complete shutdown. It was, um, you know, went from good revenue to zero revenue for a lot of our clients. So it was a scary time. But what I’ve seen coming out of that is more of, um, it’s been interesting, I’ve seen more like people trying to get into tele dentistry, so like doing [00:21:30] more virtual visits, which, which is a little harder with dentistry than it is like regular medical stuff. So I’ve, we’ve tested it and we’ve had mixed results to it, but I’ve seen a push for it, right. Like, okay, if this happens again, we kind of wanna be ready for it.

Speaker 2:        Mm-hmm <affirmative> um, so there’s that. Um, but we’ve also seen more, more dentists for whatever reason come out of this, wanting to rely less on insurance. So they don’t necessarily want to take insurances anymore. They want to be fee for service [00:22:00] practices. Right. Um, because they’re able to make more money off of that and they don’t have to process paperwork and things like that. And one of the things they’re doing to offset that is they’re creating their own kind of internal insurance plan. Wow. Where it’s, where it’s like an in-house plan, if you will. Mm-hmm <affirmative>. So I think those are, that’s probably the biggest changes that I’ve seen, but I can tell you from the medical standpoint, things are getting a little bit back to normal. Right. But it’s still, there’s still a little like cautious optimism, I guess.

Speaker 1:        You know what, [00:22:30] in the beginning of that, uh, pandemic, I remember I had a dentist appointment, uh, maybe about two weeks into the pandemic. I had to cancel it because I just felt like <laugh>, it’s not just necessary to go out there. So I totally understand that, uh, everything shows down, uh, during that, uh, time. So now, uh, regarding local businesses, um, I know there are quite a number of them [00:23:00] out there that want to create that, uh, visibility, uh, online visibility, what tips or tricks, uh, can you share with us, um, so that we can, you know, take this step and get, uh, the business name out there.

Speaker 2:        Yeah. I think there’s a lot of tools that can help with that actually. Um, there’s a company out there called bright local, B R I G HT, L O C AO, uh, dot com. They’ve got a bunch of tools for small businesses that [00:23:30] can kind of type in your website and kind of gives you a report on what you’re doing. Well, what you’re not doing well, what your competition looks like, things like that. And I think that would be an excellent place to start. It’s kind of a basic, you know, kind of do it yourself type guide if you will. Um, we do find that clients start there and then they like, uh, you know what? I don’t wanna learn this crap. I’m just gonna have somebody professional do it for us. But if you’re a small business and you kind of wanna learn more about it and just kind of start getting your toes in the water on what’s [00:24:00] out there, I think that’s a good place to start.

Speaker 1:        Awesome. So bright, local.com. So that’s good. I’m gonna leave that in the show notes. So as we are, uh, coming to the end of this interview, uh, Chris, I wanna ask, um, maybe you can tell my audience how they can connect with you, uh, you know, follow you, maybe whether you have any social media accounts so that it can continue to [00:24:30] learn, uh, from you. I, I know you have a podcast, if you can also give us the name of your podcast, uh, that they can take a listen. Yeah,

Speaker 2:        Yeah. It’s called the dental marketing podcast. Again, don’t let the dental part of it scare you because a lot of what we talk about, you know, is, is practical for any type of business. Um, so that’s out there. Um, the best way to reach out to us, like I said earlier is probably just the website, kickstart dental.com. Um, there’s [00:25:00] a free strategy session button there. Go ahead and click it, schedule a time with me, and I’d be more than happy to give you, uh, some free advice for sure.

Speaker 1:        Awesome. And, uh, that’s it, thank you very much. Uh, Chris, uh, for your time today, uh, it’s been wonderful, you know, learning from you and sharing your experience about online digital marketing and, uh, we appreciate your time.

Speaker 2:        Thank you so much for having me.



SEO For Dentists – The Checklist

SEO For Dentists – The Checklist

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Chris Pistorius talks about the importance of SEO for a dental practice. Chris provides some great tips for dental practices that want to rank highly on Google and other influential search engines.

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Creating a Local SEO Checklist

Do you have a dental practice with a great website but still struggle with bringing in local and organic traffic? Local businesses and national ones alike depend on good search engine rankings to thrive, and a sound checklist can help achieve that. To that end, our team recommends working with an expert to create and execute a local on-page SEO checklist for your website and business. 

Are you wondering why dentists need SEO? When you optimize your website for dental SEO, you may notice more significant search engine traffic, higher sales, more leads, and even overall business growth. Keep reading to learn more about building an SEO strategy. 

What Is dental SEO marketing?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, revolves around making your website as appealing as possible for both your patients and different search engines. The goal is to have your audience find your site easily through a Google or Bing search, a listing on Google My Business, and other locations on the web. 

It’s imperative for today’s business owners to learn about SEO and how to make the most of today’s SEO tools. If you want to know how to do dental SEO, the following are some of the most common on-page SEO basics you should know about as you work to optimize your website. 

Internal links are links to other pages on your own website. Not only do these links help the search crawlers recognize the validity of your site, but they help customers navigate between web pages as well.

Meta descriptions, or meta tags, are short descriptions that Google and other search engines show on results pages. These descriptions give your website visitors a brief look at the services you provide before they even visit your site. 

Search engine spiders or crawlers are small “robots” that engines use to evaluate and inspect different websites. The search engines index different pages with these spiders, using algorithms to help provide you with more accurate search outcomes. 

Exterior links are links on your website that connect to other sites. Link building with external links to high-quality sites can help boost your ranking factor, as well as increase customers’ trust in your site. 

The title tag is what your customers first see when they search for your site online. Title tags are short-and-sweet descriptions of your business that appear above the meta description. 

The Keyword Research Checklist for Search Engines

If you’ve ever dabbled in SEO before, you’re probably familiar with keywords already. However, SEO efforts neither start nor end with keywords and optimizing your website goes far beyond simply incorporating your target keyword a few times. If you want to improve your website’s SEO, you should add the following terms to your complete checklist.

Long-tail keywords are a different type of keyword that changes how people find your site. While they are a bit more challenging to learn and use, the payoff can be significant if you utilize them correctly. 

Keyword difficulty has to do with how hard it is to rank on a search with a given keyword. When customers search Google for a primary keyword with a very high monthly search volume, for example, your site may rank very low. However, it may be much easier to rank for a related keyword with a more manageable search volume. 

Target keywords and related keywords are the meat of your keyword strategy: they are what your prospective customers will search for as they look for your site. 

Consider using a keyword research tool to help identify the keywords that can help your website rank better, such as SurferSEO or Semrush.

What Should You Put on Your Complete SEO Checklist? 

Just as SEO can help bring more search traffic to your website, outdated SEO and inadequate on-page optimization can hurt your rankings as well. So, in addition to improving other aspects of your website, you should also check for other issues that may require fixing along the way. Of course, a reputable SEO agency can help you identify any problems with your site, but this on-page checklist can also help you get started. 

Duplicate content on your website can be a problem for multiple reasons. Not only will it rank worse in Google’s algorithms, but it can make it more difficult for your customers to navigate your website as well. 

Broken links can lower your direct ranking factor, and they can also frustrate customers who visit your site. Therefore, it’s critical to find broken links as quickly as possible and repair them to keep your site running smoothly. 

Site speed is a crucial part of the patient experience on your website. If your page speed is low, and a patient has to wait too long for it to load, the chances are that they will move on to another site. 

Category pages help structure information on your site and let patients navigate through pages more easily. For example, it’s easier for patients to find a specific blog post on your site by navigating to the “blog” category page first.

Technical SEO is a different type of SEO that deals with the deeper coding issues of your site – specifically, its infrastructure. Bad technical practices can result in crawl errors, a poorly structured data markup, or even a bad customer experience, so it’s essential to integrate a technical SEO checklist into your overall plan. 

An SEO plugin can be a handy tool for those who maintain a blog (such as WordPress users). Many of these tools will help you integrate SEO best practices and keywords into your posts as you write them. 

Using Your Toolkit: Google Search Console and Analytics, Bing Webmaster Tools, and More

Besides the terms we listed above, you can find many more executive-level tools out there that can give your practice a more significant edge. These tools can help you identify the exact steps you should take to help your site rank better, both for customers and for common search sites. 

Google Search Console is a great place to start improving your site’s search rankings. The tool works with your site’s infrastructure to help you identify different steps you can take, such as by submitting an XML sitemap.

Google’s Analytics feature is a suite of tools that helps you improve your site’s search rankings from a customer-centric perspective. Connect Google Analytics to your site using your Google Analytics account to make use of programs such as Google Tag Manager and Google Optimize.

Webmaster Tools is Bing’s version of a tool to help you rank better on Bing’s search results. To use it, create a Bing Webmaster Tools account and link it to your website. 

There are dozens of things for website owners to learn and hundreds of tools to utilize with the goal of bringing in new web traffic – so much, in fact, that it can feel incredibly overwhelming. If you are wondering how to market a dental clinic and need some help, consider contacting our specialized SEO management team. We can help you build your business’s online presence in new and meaningful ways.

SEO Visibility: 10 Quick SEO Tips to Boost Your Google Search Visibility

SEO Visibility: 10 Quick SEO Tips to Boost Your Google Search Visibility

SEO Visibility: 10 Quick SEO Tips to Boost Your Google Search Visibility

These days, dental practice owners find it harder than ever to organically make their way to the top of Google’s search engine rankings pages (SERPs), and for good reasons. First, it’s hard to become visible and get organic clicks when your company does not utilize features that Google’s algorithm looks for when its spiders crawl your website.

Statistics show that 75% of searchers never go past the first page of search engine results, so your SEO visibility and ranking are essential factors. Organic results in searches are those that occur naturally, unlike a paid search (also known as a PPC or pay-per-click system). If you’re looking to improve your organic ranking, you may find this article helpful.

What Is SEO Visibility? Use Google Search Console

If you’ve ever wondered why your dental site never shows up on the first page of Google search results, it’s probably because your SEO visibility is low. SEO visibility is a metric indicator of organic search results for an individual keyword, and it helps you determine how much more traffic you need to generate.

However, this concept is more than a measure of your site’s ranking for the right keywords. Visibility also tells where your pages stand against your competitors for these particular ranking keywords.

Google’s Search Console, a handy free tool for beginners, is an outstanding way to see your SEO visibility.

What SEO Visibility Score Should You Aim For?

Your SEO visibility score is based on how well your site ranks for a specific keyword. For example, if your site ranks within the top 30 for the same keyword, you’ll receive an SEO performance score.

Otherwise, your site will usually show up as a 0 on most visibility trackers. This is because very few people scroll past Page 3 on the search queries results after entering a keyword, which is why ranking at #30 is the bottom line.

If your business is trying to rank higher organically for specific keywords, measure yourself against your competitors’ rankings on the same keywords. This can give you a rough idea of your SEO visibility.

According to Moz, a search visibility score of 100% means that you rank at the top for all your keywords, whereas 0% means you don’t rank in the Top 50 on the SERPs.

For this reason, it is realistic to aim for 35-45% on a visibility metric for your keywords. Remember, SEO is an organic process that takes time and effort.

What Is Visibility for a Website?

Visibility for a website means that when users are looking for products or services that your business offers, they will see your pages when they search. The best way to increase your site’s visibility is to rank high on prominent search engines: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Tips to Increase Visibility

So now that we know why SEO visibility is so important to your pages let’s get into some easy tips you could apply to boost your site’s organic traffic and search visibility.

1.   Improve your Content

Before you embark on your SEO visibility journey, make sure that the content on your pages is rich. Next, perform keyword research for on-site optimization or use the Ahrefs Content Gap Tool to see where your content is lacking, then create new content in those areas.

2.   Page Speed Matters in Search Engine Rankings

When your pages aren’t loading quickly enough, users will close them within seconds. Google measures loading speed, so be sure to utilize tools to measure and help you improve it.

3.   It’s Far More Valuable Than You Think When You Build Links

Many people believe that building links between sites can downgrade their website’s SEO visibility. While that may be true of internal links between your own web pages, failure to create external links (as well as backlinks and guest posts) is one of the common mistakes of novice site owners.

However, your web page can actually start performing a lot better in the organic ranking positions with link-building to and from authoritative websites.

4.   Scope Out the Competition on Search Engines

Businesses need to know who they’re competing against and provide what their competitors lack. Use a free SERP checker to check out the links your competitors are missing out on, then compensate with your own.

5.   Social Media is the Way to Go

Though Google doesn’t officially rank based on social media platforms, social media has become an integral part of successful digital marketing and SEO strategies. For example, add those ‘Share’ buttons to your content to encourage people to repost your blog post or content.

6.   Informative Content Always Prevails

When you consistently have unique and fresh content on your site, you’ll notice huge differences in your site’s overall visibility. As you create content, remember to put your readers’ needs first. Valuable blog content and articles can help your audience make better-informed choices.

Make sure that your content is engaging, interactive, and relevant to your audience. Without the right content, you might as well forget the high search volume.

Don’t forget that your site’s images make up a significant portion of your content, so be sure to optimize your images, too (click here for Google Images’ best practices for SEO).

7.   Optimize the Meta Descriptions

A meta-description is what users first see when they find your business in search results. It’s like the sneak peek before the main show – so you need to make sure it’s compelling and enticing!

Use unique meta-descriptions for each page and include an accurate representation of your business. Be sure to refrain from duplicating content – not only will it get you in trouble with the bots, but it doesn’t look appealing to your audience, either!

8.   Nobody Likes a URL They Can’t Read

When you have long and winding URLs, users may not click on them – and tend to forget them. URLs need to be short because that’s what people remember – and where people go, search engine bots usually follow.

Use hyphens rather than underscores, avoid capital letters, use geographic and product or service keywords, and keep your URLs short to make them readable and increase your domain rating.

9.   Frequent Site Reviews Are Necessary

You have to regularly go through your site and figure out what’s still relevant and what’s not. Then, by reviewing all your pages, you end up with a consolidated and updated site that is relevant to the times and simpler for users to browse.

Don’t let your SEO efforts go to waste by ignoring regular content reviews and updates. Be sure to keep up with Google’s algorithm updates and stay current on general trends, as well.

Check your rank changes regularly and chart its average positions over a period of time. You should test each SEO keyword, along with other words, to determine the need to adjust keywords in your SEO strategy.

10. Use Web Analytics

Web Analytics does more than just help you figure out where your traffic comes from. Analytics can also let you leverage keyword rankings, trending pages, LSI keywords, featured snippets, organic user impression share, and so much more.

You’ll need proper tools to be able to see what’s going right and what’s not. Google Analytics and Search Console are definitely significant tools for you to start off with.

Make Your Website ‘All Devices Friendly’

With a majority of users relying on their smartphones for almost everything, you’ll need to make sure that your site works well on mobile devices. Make your site mobile-friendly to raise your SERPs.

At the end of the day, SEO visibility is crucial to driving organic traffic to your site. For businesses to succeed in this era of digitization, they must adapt quickly to changing trends.

If your dental practice is in need of help to boost your average position in search engine results, contact our team for a free consultation.


How Long Does It Take for Your Dental Website to Become a Top-Ranked Google Success?

How Long Does It Take for Your Dental Website to Become a Top-Ranked Google Success?

How Long Does It Take for Your Dental Website to Become a Top-Ranked SEO Success?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process that website owners use to optimize their sites to rank their sites higher in search results for particular terms. This process leads to greater website visibility for a dental practice like yours.

Dental practices that implement SEO campaigns achieve a higher ranking for particular search terms, increase their web traffic and revenue, and boost brand awareness.

SEO is one of the best digital marketing strategies in use today. As searches for company sites wane, even local businesses need to land on the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Focusing time and effort on your Google search ranking can pay dividends while growing your practice.

With such an effective tool at the ready, practice owners are anxious to see a return on their investment. They can’t understand why such a seemingly simple strategy requires so much time to produce higher Google rankings.

Factors That Influence Search Engine Rankings

SEO takes time. Your dental practice has to earn top ranking and search visibility. Several ranking factors influence how much time it takes to see results from an SEO campaign, including:


If your competitors are ahead of you in a particular ranking, try to analyze how they achieve their current ranking and what actions they take to sustain their visibility.  Your strategy needs to include consideration of the strategies of your competition.


Content continues to be one of the top-ranking factors for Google. It is vital to create compelling content that aligns with your target audience’s search intent.

At the same time, review existing content that ranks in local search results and try to improve upon it.

Quality content applies to more than just the written word. Google Image Search is an incredible resource to bring more visitors to your website. It stands to reason that users will search for visual content just as they search for written content.


Your content needs to target keywords from online searches to have a strong search engine ranking, which is where keyword research becomes vital to the SEO process.

It would help if you also were mindful of Google’s ranking factor in evaluating content. This requires current knowledge of Google’s algorithm updates and the commitment to staying on top of new developments in keyword ranking.

Looking at the Google ranking algorithm components, a target keyword or keyword phrase plays a vital role in the equation.

LSI keywords, or latent semantic indexing keywords, are terms that are related to the main search words and phrases. LSI keywords help Google show the most relevant results.

Be careful not to overload title tags with too many keywords. A concise title tag is more impactful and creates a better user experience.

Inbound and outbound links

In general, linking root domains with a smaller number of high-quality sites will be more beneficial than linking to several average pages from extraneous websites. Other websites linking to you bring you SEO favor, as well.

Link-building is a process by which other websites link to your site’s page or blog post in order to improve their Google ranking (and yours).

Remember that you must earn high-quality, relevant links and the credibility they bring you. Sites linking to one another without any clear correlation tend to perform poorly. The faster you earn quality links, the more quickly you will rank.

That said, if you follow Google’s guidelines for link-building strategies, your ranking should improve organically, and your site’s linking velocity should grow incrementally.

Be sure to relegate outbound connections judiciously and only to authority sites relevant to your niche.

With a solid strategy in place, most practices see the results of their SEO efforts in 4 to 12 months.

Technical SEO Considerations

You must resolve any technical issues on your website in order to see any improvement in Google’s ranking.  The most common SEO issues include:

  • Site speed
  • XML sitemaps
  • Structured data
  • Duplicate content
  • Crawling and indexing

When working with an existing domain, it’s helpful to examine the site’s search traffic and website visitors. You can do this by logging in to your Google Analytics account and accessing the acquisition channels report.

A technical SEO audit will reveal crawling or indexing issues. Others identify spammy links, unnatural links, and nofollow links. Be sure to disavow them using Google’s guidelines.

In addition, SEO tools such as Google Search Console will deliver a sense of past site performance.

On-page SEO refers to factors on your own website that you can optimize to match user intent, such as the underlying code and the content.

Create a meta description that includes your phrase to entice visitors. Google allows a maximum of 160 characters for meta descriptions, so they need to be short and distinctive from the other descriptions on your web pages.

Additionally, mobile use has become the norm. In fact, over 60% of users who search Google come from mobile devices. As a result, mobile-friendliness is an important SEO ranking factor.

How Search Engines Interpret Backlinks

Next to content, backlinks are one of Google’s top 3 factors in SEO ranking. Backlinks are a sign of approval between two websites and indicate popularity and trust among users. They can significantly boost your practice’s ranking.

It takes time to establish quality backlinks. However, they are worth the time and effort, as high-quality links from other sites have the power to energize your rankings.

You should also include internal links, which will direct traffic to other pages on your own site.

How Long Does It Take To Be A Top SEO Website?

Considering the number of working components necessary for an effective SEO campaign, it is understandable that it will take some time before you see an increase in organic traffic and revenue growth from SEO.

There is no one size fits all timeframe that applies to every dental website. The amount of time necessary depends on your competition, the keywords you want to rank for, and the ease and speed at which Google can index your web content.

Be prepared for a lag time of between  4 and 6 months before you see more traffic as a result of SEO.

Contact Us for SEO Marketing Help!

Our team’s collective experience and expertise have made us one of the most respected and sought-after agencies for dentists.

We pride ourselves in creating a collaborative working relationship and help you grow your business online. We look forward to hearing from you!


Interview With John Jantsch

I was recently interviewed by John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing on why it’s important for dentists to have a unique selling proposition.

John Jantsch: Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Consulting Smart podcast. This is John Jantsch with Duct Tape Marketing, and my guest today is Chris Pistorius with Kickstart Dental in Denver, Colorado, or the suburb of Denver, at least. Chris, thanks for joining us.

Chris Pistorius: Thanks so much for having me, John. It’s a pleasure.

John Jantsch: Now, you have another business as well as Kickstart, so tell us about that as well, and then we’ll kind of, as we’re going here you can kind of round out which business you’re answering for.

Chris Pistorius: Well, kind of both, but yeah. Obviously Kickstart specializes in dentistry, so we help dentists grow their practices, but at the other side of our business and our other agency is called Ifuse, I-F-U-S-E, Internet Marketing, and that’s where we really specialize in helping the service-based businesses, like contractors and attorneys, and eye doctors, and everything else that needs some marketing help.

John Jantsch: So how did you get into the world of online marketing?

Chris Pistorius: Yeah, you know I’ve just been doing it long enough, I guess. I’ve been in local online marketing for a little over 15 years now. I used to work, back in the day when internet advertising was new, I used to work for AOL Time Warner, and I was actually a sales rep for them, but locally focused. We would go hit local-based businesses, but at the time, all we really had to sell were banner ads on AOL. So it was quite an exciting time and a lot of growth there. Then I moved on. I stayed in the business and I moved onto a couple of other digital agencies out in LA and then here in Denver. Most recently, before I started my businesses in 2009, I worked for a large media company called Dex Media. They’re really known for the phone book, obviously, but my business partner and I actually ran the digital side of that business, when they decided to get into the digital side of the business. So we ran online advertising for local companies. We ran the whole product for most of the west coast of the United States. In doing that, I saw a huge need in … you know, we’d go see these small and medium sized business owners, and they were just confused about where should I spend my dollars? What’s going to work the best for me? I don’t have a ton of money to test to see what’s going to work and what’s not. So we decided to create this business, Ifuse, to really try to bridge that gap and help small and medium sized business owners kind of untangle the web and figure out what’s going to be the best play for them.

John Jantsch: It’s so funny. There’s an army of consultants like yourself that worked for YP, or Dex or somebody like that, and so they got a taste of the online marketing and working with small businesses, but a lot of the times, they realized, we don’t have a really good product that we’re selling to these folks.

Chris Pistorius: Yeah, exactly right. Sometimes it was more about the company needed to sell versus what was right fit for the company we’re selling to. That was disappointing to me, and unfortunately I learned a lot about not to do, but I also learned about what works for small businesses, too.

John Jantsch: Yeah, and that’s what I mean, I think a lot of those folks then said, “Hey, I could do a lot.” This is a need and this is an exciting field. I’m going to go out and do it myself the right way. What was the hardest thing about starting your own business?

Chris Pistorius: Honestly, you know they say you’re supposed to do it when you’re single and you’re young. You know, if it fails, it fails, you can go figure something else out. I decided to do it when I was in my, I guess, mid-thirties, and I had a couple of kids and married and mortgage and all that and I had a pretty nice job that I left to start this with zero revenue, so I guess that was probably the hardest thing, just to jump and do it and try to grow the business as fast as possible so I could keep up with my personal expenses, too.

John Jantsch: I had a similar story. I think I had four children at the time I started my business. When you’re sitting across from one of these law firms or doctors and maybe they’re considering a couple people and they say, “Why you? Why should we hire you?” Do you feel like you have a good point of differentiation?

Chris Pistorius: Yeah, you know I think … I got a lot of this actually from the stuff that you’ve written. I based a lot of my early company off that, actually. We really thought long and hard about … even 10 years ago this business was starting to become a bit of a commodity, and I think it’s even more so now, so it’s more important than ever to have that USP, or your unique selling proposition. What does make you different from everybody else that’s offering the same type of services? We really came up with some unique ways to tackle this business. For instance, we don’t do contracts. Everything with us is month to month. We feel as though, if we’re not pulling our weight, then there’s no reason really that we need to lock anybody into an agreement, obviously with the expectation that marketing takes a little bit of time and there’s a lot of build up between that. We also only work with one industry per market, if that makes sense. If we have a plumber in Denver, for instance, that’s the only plumber we’re going to work with in Denver. Otherwise, we believe that’s a conflict of interest. So we’re not going to take on a bunch of their competitions. Things like that, as well as we do offer a money back guarantee, if within the first month, the client doesn’t feel as though things are going well. Again, there aren’t going to be tremendous results in that first 30 days, but if they don’t like the communication that’s going on, if we’re not doing what we said we were going to do in those first 30 days, we’ll actually give them 125% back of that first month. Just unique things like that. Obviously, quality of work. We do everything in house. We don’t ship stuff overseas. We’re a smaller, boutique agency, but our processes are so fine-tuned that we can do a lot of work and still be able to do it by hand without automation. Which obviously, as you know, just makes the quality that much better.

John Jantsch: You bet. What’s been your best way to win business? Not necessarily win business, but how do you get in front of people? What’s been your best way to get leads and get attention?

Chris Pistorius: A couple of different ways. There’s no magic bullet, I’ve found to this. It’s not like you’re going to find this magic bullet and all of a sudden you’re going to have a hundred brand new customers at your door every day. We’ve tried a lot of things. Currently, what’s working well for us are inbound marketing efforts. Writing content. Giving things away for free. Doing outbound marketing to create an inbound response, sort of, I guess. We’ve found a lot of stuff from that, from going to our website and downloading a free report. I wrote a book a couple of years ago. That’s done well for us, and we give that away free on our website. Things like that, we also have some outbound, we have a couple of outbound lead-generators that are helping us drive up some business. And on the Kickstart Dental side, anybody that’s listening that’s ever tried to sell to a dentist knows that it’s probably one of the hardest industries to crack into, just because the gatekeepers are so well-guarded. We’ve actually done well locally sending people out door to door if you will dropping off what we call lumpy mail, addressed to the office manager or the doctor. And that’s creating an inbound response, so we do that in a few markets as well.

John Jantsch: Awesome. And it’s music to my ears to hear you talk about lumpy mail.

Chris Pistorius: It’s an old concept, huh?

John Jantsch: I asked you what was the hardest thing about it. What’s your favorite thing about what you do?

Chris Pistorius: You know, it’s funny because when I was in corporate America, it was secure, or definitely secure as it could be, I guess, and it was consistent. You knew what was going on. But it was hard for me there, especially at the end, to get out of bed and be really excited about going to work. And for me, that was a problem. I think the best thing about this is that I can kind of guide my own company the way I want to, and I’m excited to get out of bed every morning and go figure out what’s going to happen today, we just never know for sure. Things change on a dime in this industry, and especially with young companies that are growing, so it’s very exciting.

John Jantsch: How do you keep up on what’s going on, what’s changing? What are some of your favorite sites, books, resources for that?

Chris Pistorius: That’s a great one. I’ve got a few. Obviously, the big ones are like Search Engine Land, stuff like that. Moz is a big one for us with SEO. What is that one … Local Search Forum, we’re a member of, is great. UpCity also publishes some good content about what’s going on. I’m a part of a couple of different Facebook groups that have agencies like mine and we talk about ideas and things. A couple of different mastermind groups, if you will. It’s really a combination of those things just to try to keep up with what’s going on in the industry.

John Jantsch: What about tools? What are some of your favorite tools that you like for, maybe for running your business or doing the work for your clients?

Chris Pistorius: Again, that’s a long list too, but some of the top ones I would have to say … UpCity keeps us on track in terms of SEO. They kind of make that machine for you so that you can plug in and employ and give them a little training and they should be able to do their jobs pretty efficiently on SEO. We’ve been using a lot of the Google AdWords Planner recently. I think they’ve made enough changes to it now that it really helps us as sales tool. We can go into a plumber and say, “Look, ABC Plumber, there’s 1400 related searches that happen in your industry in your market every month just on Google. Right now, you’re invisible to those people. You’re not interviewing for those jobs. What we’re going to do is get you visible. Get you interviewing for those jobs and help you get found and chosen.” So that’s a really good tool to build urgency and to build your market demand when you’re talking to new clients. Those are probably my two favorite right now.

John Jantsch: There are a lot of tools out there that show people how bad off they are. I think sometimes that kind of scare tactic helps a little work. I think, really, it’s a very legitimate practice, because what you’re really showing people is where they have gaps and I think helping them understand priorities. Because I think when people just look at, a lot of small businesses just look at their online presence, it’s just like this big ball of soup, and somebody’s gotta show them, “Well, we need to add this and we need to add this and we need to add this,” so it’s good soup.

Chris Pistorius: I totally agree.

John Jantsch: How can people find out more about … I know you’ve got a couple of places you might want to send people, so where can people find out more about what you do?

Chris Pistorius: I think our website’s going to be the best, or at least I hope it is. That’s what we do for a living, so I would hope it’s good enough to inform people. Ifuse is just I-f-u-s-e-I-m as in Mary.com, so Ifuseim.com, and then KickstartDental.com. Those are our two sites of our two different agencies.

John Jantsch: Thanks for taking the time to share a little bit about your practice. This is always fun for me, and I’m a big fan of Denver, I get out there to the mountains at least a couple times a year. Maybe we’ll run into on one of those.

Chris Pistorius: Okay. Thank you.

The Local SEO Tools That I Use & Recommend

Not every dentist has a budget to hire an SEO agency to do their SEO work, so we try to help some dentists do their own. I thought it would be helpful to show you a list of the tools that we use in our everyday work, so that it may help you DIY SEO guys…

Ahrefs – This tool will tell you what sites link back to your website, but it also will show you what backlinks your competitors have. There is a monthly charge for this tool, but it’s the best backlink tool out there in my opinion.

CrazyEgg – This is a cool tool! It will actually generate a heat map of of exactly where your website visitors click and scroll. You can see what parts of your site are being used the most and then beef up your content and call to action on those pages. This is about $10 per month.

Google’s Mobile Friendly Test – This makes sure your site is mobile friendly, a ranking factor for Google now. (free)

Google’s Page Speed Test – This makes sure your site is fast enough, another ranking factor for Google! (free)

Moz Local – It will do a scan (for free) and give you a rough picture of what major local directories you are listed in, and if your information is correct. There is also a paid version of this that we use to help clean up directory listings.

Copyscape – This checks to see if the content on your website is unique or not. (there is a free version and paid)

Rev – If you do videos or podcasts, this can be quite helpful. For a fee Rev will transcribe your audio or video into text, this can be great if you need more content on your website.

Google Analytics – You probably already know this one, but it’s a great free tool for tracking how many visitors are coming to your site, where they came from and other key analytics.

Pixlr – This tool lets you edit and resize images for free.

LeadPages – If you are looking to build a landing page, this paid service is very good – it is a drag/drop builder.

Google My Business Insights – You can log into your GMB profile and see all kinds of great stats like how many time your profile showed up in a search, how many calls you received (from a mobile device), how many clicked for driving directions, etc.

There are many more, but this should get you started!